The Path and Pitfalls in Training Leaders | Youth Ministry

Brian Freerksen : Iron on Iron : Training Leaders : August 25, 2018
A. Path
- Recruit – Not just to fill a gap or need but to fulfill the mission
- Pray and ask God to send workers (Matthew 9:38) – A generic request with specific names. Make a list of good potentials then speak with them and pray for them.
- For the mission (Great Commission, Matthew 28:19-20 / Great Commandment, Mark 12:29-30). You want leaders who have a desire to fulfill these expectations.
- Look for a growth orientation (this can’t be coached). They are personally growing and have a desire to grow others.
- Look for people you would want to lead your own children.
- Train – Equip everyone with equal training
- Philosophy – Mission and Vision of the church and Student Ministry.
- Methodology – What you are currently doing to fulfill the mission and vision.
- Values – What is important to you in how to fulfill the mission and vision.
- Policies – What is necessary for the ministry to function smoothly and safely.
- Expectations and Responsibilities – What exactly do you want them to do. These need to be clearly presented and inspected.
- Develop – Invest in leaders individually
- Relate personally – You need to know your leaders on a personal level. Find out what they need and where they need help. No one is at the same place. They need to know you care for them; who they are and what they do. Find out where they best fit into the ministry.
- Invite creativity – They are gifted as well, utilize them whenever possible.
- Learn to delegate – Teach them to do it and then let them do it. Evaluate with them, correct errors and celebrate success.
- Model what you expect – Show them how to lead well, grow personally,
shepherd them and set them up for success - Cultivate initiative – Instruct, empower, motivate, oversee, release, evaluate
- Play Together – fellowships, special activities
- Give genuine appreciation – cards, treats, awards, etc.
B. Pitfalls
- Prayerless – Not being surrendered and dependent upon God (John 15:5).
- Prideful – You know it all, not teachable or unwilling to learn yourself. Is your answer or solution always the right or the best one? When you have good people and the right people you can trust them and rely on their ideas. This lesson is learned through failure, correction, or confrontation. You should be personally growing continually (spiritual disciplines, discipleship, leadership, etc). Here are some resources:
- “Holy Sweat” – Tim Hansel
- “Dangerous Calling” – Paul Tripp,
- “Leadership Pain” – Dr. Samuel Chand
- “Sticky Teams” – Larry Osbourne
- Impatient – People are not perfect. It takes time and patience to train, develop and lead others to take over. I didn’t take the time or energy on some in the past.
- Passionless – Without true passion, you will suffer a lack of motivation and resolve and therefore will be unable to ignite your leaders to serve with passion. Ministry is the overflow of what God is doing in your life.