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Marriage: Characteristics of the Biblical Love of a Husband

Brody Holloway : Marriage Conference : Characteristics of the Biblical Love of a Husband : October 20, 2018

We (men and women) want to learn from stories. Scripture gives us that narrative we long for—in Jesus. The grace of Jesus gives us step-by-step instructions, room to fail, and the power to obey. When we are made new by grace in salvation, God puts His Spirit inside of our hearts. By the Holy Spirit’s leading and empowering, we now have the ability to extend grace to our spouse. This reality is foundational to a rich, godly marriage.

Instead of degrading into inaction during a conflict, we can now move in with love for our bride. Ephesians 5 gives husbands five key verbs that guide biblical love for our wives:

  1. Love
  2. Give
  3. Sanctify
  4. Cleanse
  5. Present

Brody also presented men with three types of love in our marriages:

  1. Sacrificial love
  2. Sanctifying love
  3. Self-love (through the unity of man and wife)

Husbands, if we’re going to follow the example of Christ then we need to constantly be dying to your basic needs, will, and desires. We must die daily! The goal of our marriage is the glory of Christ Jesus and the sanctification of our spouse. We must first learn how to die daily to self and follow Jesus, then learn to love our wives. Ask yourself, “Is my wife more like Christ because of being married to me?” Be long-suffering and sensitive to your wife’s feelings. Trust the Lord to do the work in your marriage and let Him work in His timing. Your role is to pray for wisdom and extend grace.

October 30, 2018

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