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Military & Law Enforcement: Practical Prayer

Dallas Bozeman : Military & Law Enforcement Conference : Matthew 6:5-13 : January 5, 2019

As believers, we should pray without ceasing. But, this is sometimes easier said than done. We should enter into prayer in awe that we can call on the God of the universe who is holy and just. The Lord has all wisdom, love, mercy, and grace. We have no excuse not to enter with a heart of thanksgiving and trust. He is infinitely good, wise, and trustworthy with whatever I am about to take before him regardless of the answer He chooses to give or not give me. Our prayers should end the same way that they start: humbling ourselves before the God we call Father because He began a good work in us. We must humble ourselves before the Father who is faithful to complete it. There is freedom in not having the pressure to vocalize every anxiety, or need, or sin. The Lord knows your heart, allow Him to speak truth into your life.

January 9, 2019

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