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Event Session

Oct 7,

We Must Always Be Reminded Of The Gospel

Brody Holloway | Iron on Iron | Saturday Night In 2 Peter 1:12-15, Peter speaks of the reality of your faith according to God’s knowledge and promises. Your faith rests …

Oct 5,

Engaging Your Students In The Work Of Evangelism

How can you get your students involved in evangelism?  We need to be teaching our students to invest in their relationship with Jesus and to share the Gospel with their …

Sep 30,

Practical Tools to Continue Learning in Student Ministry

We have been given God’s Word to learn more about God and make us more like Him. We need to make it a priority to be able to understand and …

Sep 28,

The Best Thing In 34 Years Of Youth Ministry

What are the essentials of the Christian faith? In this session, Steve Brooks, a youth pastor at Hillside UMC and friend of Snowbird walks through 10 essentials of the faith. …

Sep 23,

Don’t Drift

Iron on Iron | Saturday | Brody Holloway How do we stay faithful to the Lord and keep from drifting away? In today’s culture, there’s a massive push away from …

Sep 21,

Doctrine Is Worth Dying For

Iron on Iron | Friday | Jamie Dew The world is hostile towards us and what we preach. In this session, Jamie walked through 1 Peter 3, where Peter is …

Sep 14,

Social Media (SWO21 Breakout)

Zach Mabry | SWO21 | Breakout With every advancement in technology, there is the opportunity to use it for the Gospel and the temptation to use it for selfish purposes. Social media is no …

Sep 9,

Biblical Masculinity (SWO21)

Rob Conti | SWO21 | Guys Breakout Our culture is trying to redefine what masculinity is. In this breakout, Rob looks at Scripture to see what it means to be …

Sep 7,

Present Your Body As A Living Sacrifice | SWO21

Brooke Collins (Mitchell) | SWO21 Summer Camp Breakout As women, the world tells us many things about our bodies and how they should be used. But Scripture tells us to …

Sep 2,

Hard Questions in Youth Ministry: Panel Discussion

2017 Iron on Iron Conference Panel: Jeff Martin, Rob Conti, Steve Brooks, Quintell Hill Moderator: Spencer Davis Hebrews 6, 1 Corinthians 6, 2 Timothy 4, Ephesians 4, Colossians 1:28, 1 …

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