Romans 8: The Identity That Drives Godliness
Brody Holloway | Romans 8:1-11 | SWO20 Tuesday Night
Romans 8 is one of the most-loved passages in the Bible. It’s full of grace, Gospel-driven doctrine, and bridges toward the practical chapters later in the book. Brody examines what Romans 8:1-11 says about our identity as Christians, and how that applies to our daily walk with Christ.
4 Great Truths
- I’m free from condemnation.
- I’m free from bondage.
- The Spirit of life is in me.
- Death has no power over me.
2 Great Realities
- God is no longer punishing me because Christ has taken my punishment.
- If God punished me, He would be punishing someone/something that has already been paid for by Jesus’ death.
2 Dangers We Face
- Too much guilt, pain, and unworthiness will make me feel like I have to prove myself.
- I can lose the motivation to live a holy life.