Zacchaeus: Repentance, Salvation, and Sanctification
Brody Holloway | Pure and Holy 2022 | Saturday Morning
Zacchaeus’s life was changed by salvation. He wasn’t perfect after he started following Jesus, but he never went back to being the man in control of his own life. He gave every good and bad part of himself over to Jesus in repentance. As Christians, our lives should show evidence of our repentance. Our desire will change, we will be obedient to God and His word, and our conscience will be led by Him, not our flesh. Sanctification is a maturing process. Get serious about it. Submit yourself to being obedient to the Lord everyday of your life.
References :
- Luke 19
- Hebrews 5:14
- Romans 8:1
- 1 Corinthians 2:14-16

Pure And Holy