What You Can Do Today For The Nations As A Teenager (Missions Session)
Brody Holloway : Missions Conference : April 22, 2018
What can we do?
First: Remember– it’s all about Jesus! It’s not about us.
Brody gives 5 things believers can do now to be on mission with the Gospel:
1. Make the worship of God by all peoples the number one priority in your life.
- Study the people groups of the world. Study their history and their religion. Joshuaproject.net, peoplegroups.org.
- There are around 16,000 people groups in over 200 Countries in the world; about half of them haven’t been reached with the Gospel.
- 2.5 – 3 billion people in the world have never even heard the name of Jesus and don’t have the opportunity to.
2. Pray for the world.
- Pray for individual people groups by name.
- Pray for specific missionaries and their families and the work they are doing.
- Know who your church supports.
- Write letters of support to these missionaries.
- If there is no real active supporting work in your church, then get it going.
3. Multiply.
- Reach your part of the world with the Gospel. You can reach and disciple your friends and family by the way you live and the Gospel you share.
- Understand the Gospel. Study it often. Out of the abundance of knowing Scripture in your heart, you will share it.
- See your lost friends as people who are broken and in need of a Savior.
- Share Christ with others whenever you can.
- Sit with those who are less fortunate, less popular, or maybe who are just not like you.
- Invite them into your home.
- Invite them to go with you to youth or church on Sunday.
- Use the gifts and opportunities that God has given you, e.g., band, sports, interests, family, life experiences.
4. Go.
- Pray about doing a short-term trip as soon as you can gain the opportunity.
- Pray about spending your life going to those who haven’t heard.
- Use your career path to reach people and engage the lost.
5. Care.
- Just care about people. Choose to care! We are often only about ourselves. Let’s let our lives be about Jesus and about others.