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You Must Be Saved | Be Strong

Rob Conti | Be Strong Men’s Conference

You must be born again; it’s essential. Jesus came to give us eternal life instead of just meeting our earthly desires. We have everything we need to face challenges through God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. 

In Numbers 21, we see how the Lord provided healing and salvation to His people. Jesus took on all our sin and guilt to bear the curse for us. We need to look to Him for true salvation and cleansing from the inside out, as the Spirit of God will dwell within us. Let’s move beyond superficial faith and seek genuine wholeness in Christ, all while appreciating God’s daily provision and the freedom He offers us.

  • John 2:23-John 3:
  • Proverbs 30:1-4
  • Daniel 7:9-14
  • Number 21
  • Galatians 3:13   



  • Jesus came to give us life and life eternal, not what we want. 


  • You must be born again its essential


  • There are trials and difficulties, but Jesus has given us provision for all of our needs, his word, spirit and church. We look over and still want the temporary desires of our old life.


  • (Talking about the snakes killing the Irealites) Just take God at his word and trust his provision and they would be saved and healed.
  • God shows that his grace is greater and bigger than we could ever imagine. 


  • Jesus was crucified to become sin for us. On the cross, Jesus becomes the image of all of our sin so he could take the curse on himself.


  • Set your eyes on Jesus, you will be saved, cleansed from the inside out, the Spirit of God will be put inside of you. 


  • Let Jesus demolish your superficial faith and look to Him to save you and make you whole. 


  • Lets never complain or take for granted that we have manna right here, Gods provision, everything we need to be freed from slavery.
October 9, 2024

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