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Brody Holloway

Sep 18,

Imperatives in Ministry

Brody Holloway | Iron on Iron 2015 | 1 Timothy 4 Brody Holloway opens up the 2015 Iron on Iron conference looking at 1 Timothy 4.  Paul’s discipleship of the …

Jul 21,

SWO15: The Gospel

 Brody Holloway | Galatians | SWO15 Brody Holloway preaches from the book of Galatians during SWO15 summer camp.  When Christ died, we died with him, and as he rose from …

Jul 21,

SWO15: Christ Is The Object Of Our Faith

Brody Holloway | Ephesians 1 | SWO 15 Brody Holloway preaches on the importance of Christ as the object of our faith from Ephesians 1 during SWO15.  The immeasurable greatness …

Jul 20,

The Resurrection of Lazarus (SWO 15)

Brody Holloway | John 11 | Monday PM Brody Holloway kicks of SWO15 summer camp preaching from John 11 on the Resurrection of Jesus.  Jesus looked at the sinful condition …

Jul 1,

Don’t Make Opportunity for the Flesh

Brody Holloway examines practical application for fighting sexual sin during the 2015 Make War Conference.  While Joseph gives us a good example of how to fight sin, Achan provides a …

Jul 1,

Let Marriage Be Held in Honor

Brody Holloway opens the 2015 Make War conference looking at the design for marriage how God intends it to be. Attend — The Marriage Conference

Jan 29,

SWO14: The Rich Young Ruler

Brody Holloway | Mark 10 | SWO14 Brody Holloway kicks off SWO14 by looking at the story of the rich young ruler in Mark 10.  We do not bring anything …

Jan 14,

The Greatest Need Your People Have of You

Brody Holloway | Leadership Conference 2015 Brody closes out the 2015 Leadership Conference looking at the need to immerse ourselves in the Word of God.  God’s command to Joshua was …

Jan 13,

The Lord’s Prayer: Man’s Need

Brody Holloway | Leadership Conference 2015 | Lord’s Prayer pt. 2 Brody Holloway concludes the Lord’s prayer during the 2015 Leadership conference, looking specifically at man’s need.  The second half …

Jan 13,

The Lord’s Prayer: God’s Will

Brody Holloway | Leadership Conference 2015 | Lord’s Prayer pt. 1 Brody Holloway looks at the first half of the Lord’s prayer focusing on God’s will during the 2015 Leadership …

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