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Brody Holloway

Mar 20,

Praying For Your Kids

Most Christians struggle with being faithful to pray consistently. Scripture instructs us to pray for our families and children. In Colossians 1, we see Paul praying for a group of …

Mar 16,

Rahab’s Confession | Winter SWO

God’s grace is greater than our failures. Rahab was a prostitute living in the outskirts of a pagan city.  She believed that the God who freed a people from slavery …

Mar 13,

Live On Mission

What does it mean that the Gospel drives everything we do at Snowbird?  In this episode, Brody reads an excerpt from his upcoming book, No Sanity Required, and walks through …

Mar 9,

The Family Line of Jesus | Winter SWO

Why are the genealogies in the Bible? Why should we study them? Why are they significant? In this session, Brody breaks down why the genealogies are valuable and what we …

Mar 6,

Eve’s Failure & What we can Learn From It

God called Adam to lead, provide, and protect. God called Eve to love and help her husband. In Genesis 3, we see both Adam and Eve do the exact opposite …

Mar 2,

God’s Design For Relationships | Pure & Holy

Brody Holloway | Saturday Night | Pure & Holy God created relationships. In Genesis 2, God created man, woman, and marriage. We cannot allow the world to decide what relationships …

Feb 27,

What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple Of Jesus?

What is discipleship?  As believers, we are called to study the teachings of Jesus through his Word and then model our lives after him. A disciple is not someone who …

Feb 21,

The Parable of the Soils | Pure & Holy

“Your salvation doesn’t rest on your profession of faith, but your possession of faith.” Brody Holloway Luke 8 is the Parable of the Soils. Brody breaks down the four responses …

Feb 14,

Adam & Tiffani Long pt. 2 | No Sanity Stories

God is bigger than addiction. God is better than addiction. Continuing the conversation with Adam and Tiffani Long, they talk through the struggles of addiction within their marriage. God can …

Feb 13,

Adam & Tiffani Long pt. 1 | No Sanity Stories

In today’s episode, Brody talks with Adam & Tiffani Long about their pasts. Adam and Tiffani serve at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters full-time in our mechanic and hospitality departments. They share …

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