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Spencer Davis

Sep 2,

Hard Questions in Youth Ministry: Panel Discussion

2017 Iron on Iron Conference Panel: Jeff Martin, Rob Conti, Steve Brooks, Quintell Hill Moderator: Spencer Davis Hebrews 6, 1 Corinthians 6, 2 Timothy 4, Ephesians 4, Colossians 1:28, 1 …

Sep 2,

How To Study Your Bible (SWO21 Breakout)

Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Breakout Why is studying the Bible such a hard habit for Christians? Are there any “hacks” that make Bible studier easier? In this breakout, we’ll look …

Aug 31,

Culture & Race (SWO21 Breakout)

Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Breakout Our culture is currently combatting racism on a national scale… but how is it working out? Are the tools of CRT and Intersectionality useful …

Aug 26,

Why Do We Need to be Saved?

Spencer Davis | Romans 1 Spencer Davis walks through the Gospel with a group of Christian School students during a fall retreat.  In order to understand what it means to …

Aug 12,

Your Call To Personal Holiness (SWO21)

Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Wednesday Morning Holiness is an attribute of God. He is light and in Him, there is no darkness. He is holy and calls you to …

May 13,

What It Means To Be An Ambassador For Christ | Missions Session

Spencer Davis | Missions Conference 2021 | Friday night Believers, we are called to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. Whether we go overseas or stay home …

Apr 27,

Be Strong: The Way of Wisdom

Spencer Davis | Be Strong 2021 | Breakout Are you finishing your Christian walk well? Are you investing in the next generation? No matter what stage of life you’re at …

Apr 15,

70 Years in Babylon

Spencer Davis We cannot finish well apart from Christ. Your life right now is not meaningless, these years count. We need to be looking to Jesus daily and allowing Him to lead …

Apr 13,

Don’t Let Sin Rule Your Life (Purity Session)

Pure & Holy 2021 | Spencer Davis | Sunday Morning Believers, you are always either moving towards Christ or away from Christ. The enemy is relentless and is set on …

Mar 23,

The Bread of Life that Satisfies Eternally

Winter SWO 2021 | Spencer Davis | Exodus 17 & John 6 In Exodus 17 and John 6 we see a theme of people wanting their physical needs met by …

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