Apologetics and Worldview
16 Best Christian Apologetics Books For College Students
God has given us a mind to observe and learn from the ways He works in the world. Let’s engage our minds and hearts with God’s Word, and let the …
Alms Tax for the Poor and the Needy (Pillar 3)
Required Tax for the Poor and Needy (zakat) Islamic law requires Muslims to pay a tax, referred to as “alms” (zakat). This tax is usually a 2.5% tax levied on …
The 5 Daily Prayers of Islam: A Christian Perspective
The 5 Daily Prayers of Muslims (Salat) Muslims are required to pray fives times each day, facing Mecca in the East. These 5 daily prayers of Islam are delivered up …
The Muslim Profession of Faith (Pillar 1)
What is the Muslim Profession of Faith (Shahadah)? “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his prophet.” The Shahadah is the one key thing required for someone to …
21 Books You Should Read
The staff here at SWO loves to read. Mainly, we love reading the Bible. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:17 that the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. …
Rhett and Link (and the Apparent Deconstruction of Their Faith)
My heart is breaking and my head is spinning in light of the so-called deconstruction of Rhett and Link’s faith. As I listened to them walking through their journeys I …
Talking To Students About The Existence Of God
Zach Mabry | SWO21 | Youth Pastor Breakout The culture we live in is overwhelmed by the tenets of postmodern theory that say that the truth of God’s existence is …
How To Love And Respect Muslims By Learning Their Culture
The Bible teaches us that it’s possible to love and respect a Muslim friend and respect their beliefs—without forsaking the Truth of Christ. Christ is our guide as we learn …
What Do Muslims Believe About God? (Intro to Islam)
What do Muslims believe? Islam, like Christianity, finds its roots in Abraham of the Old Testament and is also a monotheistic religion. However, that is where the similarities end. Much …
Ramadan Guide Intro: How to Love and Engage Muslims with the Gospel
April 2 starts the 2022 Ramadan month, the annual 30 days of fasting for Muslims around the world. This month, 1.9 billion men, women, and children started their day worshipping …