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Biblical Studies

Mar 9,

Seeing Jesus in the Story of Jonah

Spencer Davis : Winter SWO : Jonah : Feb. 13, 2018 The story of Jonah gives us a picture of the Gospel as it reflects Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. In the …

Mar 9,

Winter SWO: The Rock was Christ

Rob Conti : Winter SWO : Exodus 17, 1 Cor. 10 : Jan. 14, 2018 Jesus is the rock, and He alone is the source of life that can quench our …

Mar 9,

The Road to Emmaus

Zach Mabry : Winter SWO : Luke 24:13-27, Genesis 3 : Jan. 13, 2018 Mankind has a sin problem that has been passed down from Adam to every person who has …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: History of the Protestant Reformation

Zach Mabry : 2 Timothy 3:7-17 : Fall Retreats : Nov. 4, 2017 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The history of the Protestant Reformation is helpful …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: Scripture Alone

Brody Holloway : Fall Retreats : Oct. 14, 2017   Sola Scriptura. Scripture Alone. We were given the Bible, God’s Word, so that we could live out our Christian life with …

Aug 25,

Command & Teach, Part 2 (Iron on Iron)

Brody Holloway : 1 Timothy 4:11-16 : Iron on Iron : Saturday PM True faith always leads to obedience. A faithful life lived by the Spirit’s direction will be consistent …

Aug 25,

How To Teach The Bible (The World’s Best Cup of Coffee)

Jeff Martin : 1 Timothy 1:6-14 : Iron on Iron : Saturday AM “Gospel” has become this generation’s buzzword in the Church, but we can never allow it to become …

Aug 14,

Teaching the Bible to Students (For Student Pastors)

Spencer Davis | Student Pastors | SWO17 Tuesday AM In this breakout, Spencer Davis provided practical instruction on how to teach the Bible to students. The way we personally study and …

Aug 12,

SWO17 Breakout: Prayer & Bible Reading

We all hear of great Bible teachers spending hours each day praying and meditating on the Word, but when we look at our own time with the Lord it seems …

Aug 10,

Seeing Jesus in Exodus 17

Spencer Davis | Exodus 17:8-16 | SWO17 Friday AM   You don’t have to search hard to find Jesus in Exodus. All of Exodus (and the Old Testament) points to …

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