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Biblical Studies

Sep 3,

Focusing on Obedience without Endorsing Legalism

Rob Conti | Iron on Iron 2014 | Breakout Rob Conti walks through how to navigate teaching while navigating through legalism and license.  As God had given the Ten Commandments after he …

Sep 3,

The Life of Ezra

Brody Holloway | Iron on Iron 2014 | Nehemiah 1 & 8 Brody Holloway opens the 2014 Iron on Iron Conference by looking at Ezra & Nehemiah.  Ezra had set his …

Sep 2,

SWO14: Jesus Heals A Man With A Demon

Brody Holloway | Mark 5 | SWO14 Brody Holloway teaches about the power of Christ in salvation in Mark 5.  Nobody could help this man until Jesus came on the …

Sep 2,

SWO14: Jesus Heals Our Ultimate Disease

Rob Conti | Mark 5 | SWO14 Rob Conti looks at two stories of healing in Mark 5.  Jesus has ultimate authority over death, and we read stories of Jesus …

Sep 2,

Why Jesus Cleansed The Leper

Brody Holloway | Mark 1 | SWO14 Brody Holloway looks at the healing of the leper in Mark 1.  Just as Jesus was the only one with the authority to …

Aug 30,

Breakout: The Holy Spirit

Spencer Davis | Breakout | SWO14 Spencer Davis surveys the Scriptures to teach about God the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives concerning conviction, comfort, leading, and the …

Aug 30,

Teaching Bible Doctrine

Rob Conti | SWO14 | Leader Breakout Rob Conti addresses the responsibility of teaching the Bible to students, along with practical advice on how to approach it.  Rob looks to …

Aug 30,

Breakout: How To Study The Bible

  Rob Conti | Breakout | SWO14 Rob Conti teaches on how to study the Bible, one of the most important sessions we offer. This session will present tips on …

Aug 29,

SWO14: How To Honor God As Men And Women

Brody Holloway | SWO14 | Ruth Brody Holloway looks at the story of Ruth to begin an all-day focus on biblical sexuality during SWO14.  Both Boaz and Ruth act as …

Aug 29,

SWO14: The Lord’s Supper

Brody Holloway | Mark 14:22-25 | SWO14 Brody Holloway closes out SWO14 by looking at Jesus’s proclamation of the fulfillment of the Gospel has come in the book of Mark.  …

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