Should Christians Embrace Evolution?
Zach Mabry | Breakout | SWO13 Zach Mabry examines the science behind evolution and the worldview from which it develops. What exactly is evolution, and how does it affect …
SWO 13 Dealing with Divorce
Rob Conti | SWO13 | Breakout Rob Conti teaches students how to honor the Lord and their parents while dealing with divorce. Following a Biblical understanding concerning divorce, Rob takes …
SWO13 Book Recommendations
During SWO13 Summer Camp, 15 breakout sessions were taught each week for 10 weeks. All told, our staff taught 150 breakout sessions to students after countless hours pouring over …
Dating and Relationships for Christians
Zach Mabry | SWO13 Our world is so sex-saturated that we have come to a point where Christians have accepted the standards of this world. This session focuses on what …
The Bible and Homosexuality
Spencer Davis | Breakout | SWO13 Spencer Davis will address three key questions: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? How can one deal with homosexual urges? How should we …
Breakout: Worldview Apologetics
Zach Mabry | Breakout Zach Mabry teaches us how to have a Biblical worldview in contrast to a secular worldview and the importance of apologetics.
What is Theistic Evolution?
Zach Mabry | Breakout Zach Mabry explains the dangers of ascribing to Theistic Evolution and its divergence from scriptural truths. What is Theistic Evolution? (Full Transcript) Dear gracious, heavenly Father, …
Dealing with Divorce
Brody Holloway | Breakout | SWO12 Brody Holloway teaches about how divorce happens, and how we are to deal with divorce and move on to a life that glorifies the …
Submission and Feminism: What’s My Role?
Brittany Ragon teaches this breakout on what Biblical submission looks like in a marriage relationship, and shares how feminism intercedes as culture’s perversion of God’s design of marriage that we …
Breakout: Love Wins
Rob Conti | Breakout | 2012 Rob Conti summarizes and critiques Rob Bell’s book, “Love Wins.”