Gender and Sexuality
The Bible and Homosexuality
Spencer Davis | Breakout | SWO13 Spencer Davis will address three key questions: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? How can one deal with homosexual urges? How should …
Purity Retreat: The Will Of God
Brody Holloway | Purity Retreat | 2013 Brody Holloway exposits 1 Thessalonians 4, showing us from God’s word that sex is God’s creation, that it is sacred in the confines …
Purity Retreat: Christ’s Authority In Our Lives
Brody Holloway | Pure & Holy | 2012 Brody Holloway preaches on Christ’s authority in our lives, from John 17. Our identity and holiness are found in Christ alone, …
Purity Retreat: Flee Sexual Temptation!
Brody Holloway | Pure & Holy | 2012 Brody Holloway teaches from Genesis 39, using Joseph as an example of how we must flee sexual temptation.
Purity Retreat: Flee Sin And Pursue Righteousness
Brody Holloway | Pure & Holy | 2012 Brody Holloway teaches from 2 Timothy 2:20-22 on fleeing sin and temptation. We do not run aimlessly. Pursue righteousness in all …
Purity Retreat: Your Body Is A Temple
Brody Holloway | Pure & Holy | 2012 Brody Holloway teaches from 1 Corinthians 6:15-20. The body of the believer is the dwelling place of Almighty God. When we …
Purity Retreat: Called To Be Holy
Brody Holloway | Pure & Holy | 2012 Brody Holloway closes the Make War Not Love purity retreat with a session from 1 Peter 1:13-15. We are purified by …