Redemption | Respond Women’s Session
Bethany Clark : Respond : Saturday Night : Ephesians 2:5-10 The dictionary definition of Redemption is: “acts of God by which He, Himself, pays as a ransom the price …
Panel Discussion | Women’s Session
Panel: Amy Davis, Sarah Conti, Jenn Forchetti, and Bethany Clark. Moderator: Spencer Davis Once you complete the social media detox, how do you decrease awkwardness of re-entering society? – …
Victory Is The Fight (Respond Women’s Session)
Little Holloway : Respond : Friday Night : Luke 10:38-48 and John 21:1-12 If you feel like you’re waiting for your victory, take heart! Your victory is that you’re fighting your sin! …
Who is Jesus?
Spencer Davis | Luke 9 Who do you say Jesus is? This is the essential question to answer. We have to understand what it means to worship Jesus as the …
Jesus Calls People to be Disciples
Brody Holloway | Luke 5:27 Discipleship never ends, it’s a lifelong process. Levi, the tax collector, gave up everything to follow Christ. Levi was hated. He was seen as a …
The Authority and Compassion of Christ
Brody Holloway : Winter SWO : Luke 7 Jesus came for everyone. Christ looks at your situation and has compassion for it. We are born enslaved to sin, but Jesus …
The Holiness of God
Brody Holloway : Winter SWO Student Session : Isaiah 6 Jesus can transform your situation. And, He has the compassion and desire to do something about it. When Jesus interacted …
Christ’s Power Forever Potrayed
Rob Conti : Winter SWO : Luke 1 Everything is about Jesus, it’s always been about Jesus. Scripture is clear — Jesus is God, He rose from the dead …
Fall Retreats: Christ is the Conquering King
Brody Holloway : Fall Retreats: Ephesians 1:15 : Rooted Who do you say that Jesus is? Your perception of Jesus is the biggest thing you must wrap your mind around …
Panel Discussion On Youth Ministry, Iron on Iron
Panel Discussion | Iron on Iron | 2016 Saturday Panel Questions: “How do we effectively minister to students who are addicted to porn and struggling with bisexuality?” “What advice …