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Apr 28,

Every Man Is A Theologian | Be Strong

Zach Mabry | Be Strong Are you going to be a good theologian or a bad theologian?  Men, we are called to be the ones leading and teaching others. People …

Apr 26,

Family Matters | Be Strong

Timmy Burnette | Be Strong | Breakout Men, your role in life is never separated from your doctrine.  How should the Gospel guide our daily lives as men? Titus 2 …

Apr 21,

Mindful Masculinity | Be Strong

Joseph Tucker | Be Strong | Breakout Mindful masculinity starts with knowing God. Men are meant to lead by example, love sacrificially, protect others, and provide for their loved ones. …

Apr 14,

The Zeal Of Phineas And The Seduction of Israel | Be Strong

Brody Holloway | Be Strong | Saturday Morning Consequences will come any time we compromise on what Scripture teaches. In Numbers 25, Israel became comfortable and submit to the cultural …

Apr 12,

Biblical Servants, Biblical Men | Be Strong

 Timmy Burnette | Be Strong Men, we are called to be watchful, to stand firm in the faith, and to be strong. Our culture is afraid of true Biblical manhood …

Dec 28,

6 Books That Celebrate Biblical Womanhood & Manhood

The biblical roles of manhood and womanhood are under attack from every direction in today’s culture. So, it’s vital that men and women of God arm themselves with the truths …

Nov 16,

God’s Grace For Blended Families

Corey Pendergrass | Marriage Conference 2021 In this breakout, Corey Pendergrass (former SWO staffer) shared his personal story of divorce and remarriage. The Lord has taught him much through it. …

Nov 4,

You’re A New Man In Christ, Live Like It

Be Strong 2021 You are justified by faith. So, your identity is in Christ—you just have to live it out. We’re called to put off our old selves and to …

Nov 2,

Fighting to Finish Well

Be Strong 2021 Men, if there is breath in your lungs, there should be a fight in you.  God has built you for combat—for spiritual warfare. Our faith, as believers, …

Oct 26,

2 Exceptional Books On Biblical Manhood

Scripture is clear on the model of a biblical man. Ephesians 5 calls men to lead their wives, loving them like Christ loves His church — even to the point …

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