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Ministry & Leadership

Mar 2,

The Main Thing – James 2:1-7

“My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing …

Feb 26,

The Main Thing – James 1:26-28

James 1:26-27   If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. 27 Religion that is pure and undefiled …

Oct 27,

The Gospel: Power Against Youth Ministry Burnout

Student Pastors are tired creatures, often fiddling with knobs – like attendance numbers, testimonies, sermon-prep, who got prayed for, who raised their hand, or who asked us for advice – …

Oct 6,

Stand Strong In The Faith & Power Of The Gospel (For Men)

Brody Holloway : Be Strong : Friday PM The biblical man does not rely on his strength as the foundation in his relationship to God. He humbly admits his brokenness …

Sep 23,

Panel Discussion On Youth Ministry, Iron on Iron

  Panel Discussion | Iron on Iron | 2016 Saturday Panel Questions:  “How do we effectively minister to students who are addicted to porn and struggling with bisexuality?” “What advice …

Sep 22,

Preaching To The Heart Of Your Students

  Jeff Martin | Galatians 1:6, Galatians 3:1 | 2016 Saturday AM The reality of student ministry is that some kids will get it, and others won’t. The heart is …

Sep 22,

Discipling Students In Your Youth Ministry

Jeff Martin | Genesis 32, John 14 | 2016 Saturday We often ask other student pastors ‘what are you doing that’s working?’ but at the end of the day, dependency …

Sep 22,

Personal Discipleship For Student Pastors

  Mitch Jolly | Iron on Iron | 2016 Saturday AM Our relationship with God is an active one. By God’s grace, we have the joy of being made more …

Sep 22,

Never Stop Proclaiming Christ To Your Students

  Brody Holloway | Colossians 1:28-2:8 | Iron on Iron Youth Ministry Session The student pastor is called to be a disciple-maker. Discipleship isn’t just teaching students Bible stories; students …

Sep 22,

Put on the New Self, Kill Sin

  The mortification of sin is crucial to our personal discipleship, our walk with the Lord, and those around us. Sin doesn’t just affect the sinner; it affects everything. If …

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