Personal Discipleship
Teaching Scripture to Students | Youth Ministry
Rob Conti teaches a short breakout at the SWO Iron on Iron conference, packed full of theology and practical instruction on preaching God’s Word to students. We show students how …
Partnering With Parents In Your Youth Ministry
Jody Livingston | Iron on Iron 2013 Jody Livingston, the student pastor at Kennesaw First Baptist Church, discusses how we as student pastors can effectively partner with parents in the …
SWO13 Book Recommendations
During SWO13 Summer Camp, 15 breakout sessions were taught each week for 10 weeks. All told, our staff taught 150 breakout sessions to students after countless hours pouring over …
Dating and Relationships for Christians
Zach Mabry | SWO13 Our world is so sex-saturated that we have come to a point where Christians have accepted the standards of this world. This session focuses on what …
Respond: Living Through Loss Without Regret
Anne Tully Tuttle | Respond Conference Anne Tully Tuttle taught a breakout at the 2013 Respond Women’s Retreat, sharing from her own personal experience how Christ provides the strength …
Respond: Session 1
Little Holloway | Respond Women’s Retreat Little Holloway opens the 2013 Respond Women’s Retreat with a plea for women to meditate on the Word of God day and night. We …
Dealing with Divorce
Brody Holloway | Breakout | SWO12 Brody Holloway teaches about how divorce happens, and how we are to deal with divorce and move on to a life that glorifies the …
Breakout: How to Study the Bible
Looking for some quick and simple tips on how to study the Bible, even when it’s hard to focus or it feels like there’s no time?
Relating as Brothers and Sisters
Zach Mabry | Breakout | SWO12 Zach Mabry explains how Christians should interact with each other within the body of Christ.
Make War on Sin
Brody Holloway | Make War on Sin | 2012 Brody Holloway preaches on the command and power the Gospel gives us to make war on sin.