Pure and Holy: Guy’s Breakout
Spencer Davis | Pure & Holy | Guy’s Breakout Resources P.S. If you liked this episode, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please leave us a review on Apple or Spotify and help us …
Living In a Secular World | Purity Session
Zach Mabry | Pure & Holy | Saturday AM Resources P.S. If you liked this episode, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please leave us a review on Apple or Spotify and help us …
Purity Retreat: Inheritance Received
Brody Holloway | Make War 2016 | 1 Peter Brody Holloway kicked off the Make War purity retreat with this session preaching from 1 Peter. We don’t have a sin problem; we …
SWO13 Book Recommendations
During SWO13 Summer Camp, 15 breakout sessions were taught each week for 10 weeks. All told, our staff taught 150 breakout sessions to students after countless hours pouring over …
Sexual Immorality
Brody Holloway | Purity Retreat 2013 | 1 Thessalonians 4 Brody expounds on 1 Thessalonians 4. Sex is designed by God, and it is sacred.
The Bible and Homosexuality
Spencer Davis | Breakout | SWO13 Spencer Davis will address three key questions: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? How can one deal with homosexual urges? How should we …
Purity Retreat: The Will Of God
Brody Holloway | Purity Retreat | 2013 Brody Holloway exposits 1 Thessalonians 4, showing us from God’s word that sex is God’s creation, that it is sacred in the confines …
Purity Retreat: Christ’s Authority In Our Lives
Brody Holloway | Pure & Holy | 2012 Brody Holloway preaches on Christ’s authority in our lives, from John 17. Our identity and holiness are found in Christ alone, …
Purity Retreat: Flee Sexual Temptation!
Brody Holloway | Pure & Holy | 2012 Brody Holloway teaches from Genesis 39, using Joseph as an example of how we must flee sexual temptation.
Purity Retreat: Flee Sin And Pursue Righteousness
Brody Holloway | Pure & Holy | 2012 Brody Holloway teaches from 2 Timothy 2:20-22 on fleeing sin and temptation. We do not run aimlessly. Pursue righteousness in all things.