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Spiritual Growth

Aug 16,

SWO19 Breakout: The Case for the Resurrection

Summer 2019  The truthfulness of the Gospel hinges on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The apostle Paul made it crystal clear in 1 Corinthians 15 that if …

Aug 14,

SWO19 Girls: Kilby Holloway Testimony

Kilby Holloway : Summer 2019 : Wednesday AM For our split girl session for SWO19, Kilby Holloway shares her personal struggle with pornography. She walks through how she was first …

Aug 13,

SWO19 Breakout: Is Jesus the Only Way

Summer 2019  “Aren’t there many ways to God?” “How do we know Jesus is the right way and not another religion?” “How can Christians say that they are right and …

Aug 12,

The Discipline of the Lord

Brody Holloway : Summer 2019 : Tuesday AM When we think of discipline, we are quick to think of punishment. Sometimes God uses correction to change the behavior of His …

Aug 12,

Spiritual Disciplines In A Social Media Age

In a day and age when so many things are competing for our time and devotion, it is more important than ever to take seriously the Bible’s command to train …

Aug 11,

SWO19: The Father Heart of God

Brody Holloway : Summer 2019: Monday PM Six Things We Learn About the Father Heart of God from Luke 3: The Father was there; He was present. The Father was …

Aug 11,

SWO19 Youth Pastor Breakout: Dealing With Burnout

Summer 2019  Pastors and youth pastors live in a pressure cooker from the burden of the calling, the demands of ministry, the scrutiny of others, and so much more. Many …

Jun 20,

10 Ways to Identify and Develop Missionaries from Your Student Ministry

By Erik Odegard Student pastors have a unique opportunity to raise up missionaries from within their student ministries. During the 2019 Student Pastor Summit at Midwestern Seminary, I had the …

May 24,

Ramadan: The Power of Stories

Stories are an integral part of how our culture and worldview are shaped. Since most Muslims are born out of eastern cultures, the meaning of stories for individuals and families …

May 14,

The Virtue of Running Toward Danger

Kendrick Castillo and Riley Howard made headlines last week because of their bravery in the face of evil. They sacrificed their lives for the lives of others and our nation …

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