The Perfection Of God
Brody Holloway | SWO21 | Friday Night Every human being will eventually come face to face with the reality that Jesus is far more than a teacher or healer or …
Christ Makes Us Whole
Brody Holloway | Respond Women’s Retreat | Sunday Morning In this session, Brody walks through the life of Rahab and how the Lord saves her. Her story is a message …
The Light and Hope of the Gospel Despite Addiction
Listen to part 1 here. Sean Casteel has been sober and walking with the Lord for over 7 years now. The Lord saved his soul from death and gave him …
The Darkness and Consequences of Addiction
Today, Brody sits down with Sean Casteel to hear his life story and how the Lord saved him from a life of drug addiction and prison time. Sean now works …
What Happens To Babies When They Die?
What Happens To Babies When They Die? This is such a difficult question emotionally and theologically, so it’s important for believers to look to Scripture for our understanding on this …
God’s Sovereignty in the Midst of Suffering
Brody Holloway | Genesis 50 | SWO20 Monday Night If we truly live a life submitted to Jesus, people around us won’t understand why we make the decisions that we …
Brokenhearted? The Lord is Near
By Jennifer Jolly Our Losses Most days I thought I was doing ok with it. In fact, before it happened, I actually kind of marveled at how well I …
When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll
Just before the Great Chicago Fire burned virtually all of Horatio Spafford’s business investments, he watched pneumonia take the life of his four-year-old son. As a result of both tragedies, …
Ministering to Sexual Abuse Survivors
Summer 2019 Sexual abuse has reached epidemic levels and our churches are not immune. Most survivors carry a yoke of shame and guilt. As ministry leaders, we must be equipped …
Strength From The Lord In Times Of Discouragement
Brody Holloway : Summer 2019 By His words, Jesus cast out demons, rebuked hypocrites, healed lepers, forgave sin and brought hope to the sick and dying. God‘s Word is completely …