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Apr 17,

The Gospel and the First Marriage

Brody Holloway : Genesis 2 : Marriage Conference : April 13, 2019 God blessed creation and made it holy. This is what He brought the first marriage into. When we …

Apr 16,

Sex, The Safeguard of Mutual Satisfaction In Marriage

Dallas Bozeman : 1 Corinthians 7 : Marriage Conference : April 12, 2019 Imagine how much healthier our marriages would be if our aim was to bring satisfaction to the …

Apr 16,

Panel Discussion On Godly Marriage

Panel: Gar Bozeman, Bethany Clark, Rob Conti, and Little Holloway. Moderator: Spencer Davis Questions: I want to start leading my wife and kids toward the Lord but I did not …

Mar 19,

Four Plumblines to Parent with Grace

By Seth Stewart What does it mean to be a Gospel-centered parent? As a youth minister who is also a parent, I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I …

Feb 27,

Pure and Holy: True Freedom

Brody Holloway : 1 Corinthians 6 : Pure and Holy Jesus has given us sex as an amazing experience inside of marriage and in that way, it is very fulfilling. …

Feb 27,

The Characteristics of Biblical Commitment in Relationships

Brody Holloway : Romans 12 : Pure and Holy Conference We must be careful with what we allow to shape our thinking on things such as: who we are, who …

Feb 27,

Pure and Holy: Redeemed Sexuality

Rob Conti : 1 Thessalonians 4 : Pure and Holy What God creates, Satan counterfeits. God created us as sexual beings for His glory and for our good. Rules for …

Feb 27,

Pure and Holy: Kilby Holloway Testimony

Kilby Holloway : Personal Testimony : Pure and Holy During our split girl session at Pure and Holy, Kilby Holloway shares her personal struggle with pornography. She walks us through …

Feb 27,

Pure and Holy: Preparing for Covenant Marriage

Spencer Davis : Genesis 15 : Pure and Holy A successful marriage comes from both people mirroring God’s covenantal commitment. We commit to do 100% of the work, like Christ, …

Oct 30,

Marriage: Characteristics of the Biblical Love of a Husband

Brody Holloway : Marriage Conference : Characteristics of the Biblical Love of a Husband : October 20, 2018 We (men and women) want to learn from stories. Scripture gives us …

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