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Youth Ministry

Sep 16,

A Good Shepherd Keeps His Sheep

Iron on Iron | Session 4 | Rob Conti As we shepherd our students, we will encounter scoffers, worldly people, and those that seek to divide the Church.  To combat …

Sep 16,

Jude the Sibling and Slave to Jesus

Iron on Iron | Youth Pastor Session | Brody Holloway In ministry, it is easy to become puffed up and conceited. Jude could have prided himself in being the brother …

Sep 16,

The Importance of Teaching Doctrine in Student Ministry

Iron on Iron | Breakout | Rob Conti There is an extreme lack of doctrinal knowledge in the American Church today. If we are to faithfully shepherd our students, we …

Sep 16,

Contend For The Faith | Jude 3-4

Brody Holloway Iron on Iron | Session 2 Youth pastors, it is our sober joy and responsibility to contend for the faith. This is not just a higher calling for …

Sep 16,

Engaging Your Community with the Gospel

Iron on Iron | Breakout | Hank Parker Jr.   As ministers of the Gospel of Christ, we have a responsibility to engage our communities with that Gospel. We should …

Sep 16,

There are Wolves Among the Sheep

Iron on Iron | Session 3 | Spencer Davis Jude warns us of false teachers, wolves, that will come into the Church and attempt to deceive and draw away disciples. …

Aug 26,

How to Make a Simple Bible Study Tool for your Students

We have been posting daily videos studying verse by verse through Colossians, and this is how we make them. This is a simple approach that uses tools you already have …

Aug 15,

Prepare Your Students for Difficult Questions

Zach Mabry | Leader Breakout | SWO20 Friday Morning If we believe the Bible then we must believe all of the Bible. We do not have the option of dismissing …

Aug 15,

Conflict and Confrontation in Student Ministry

  Spencer Davis | Youth Pastor Breakout | SWO20 Where there are people, there will be conflict. How do we handle it well? Too often, believers lack the Biblical wisdom …

May 11,

Round Table: Why Do People Think Youth Ministry is a Joke?

What does it take for a church (and youth pastor) to do student ministry well? Why do people think youth ministry is a joke? It is vital that churches have …

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