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NSR: Expositional Preaching in the Local Church

Expositional preaching is one of the pillars we stand on at Snowbird. There are many different styles of preaching, and everyone has their preference. No matter what style people use, there is a right and a wrong way to preach. In this episode, Brody discusses what expository preaching is and why it’s so important to the local church. We need to look at what Scripture says about preaching and be faithful to preach the Word rightly. God gave His Word to man as a revelation of Himself and His plans.

The number one priority of the pastor is to be preaching the Word of God to the church. This is the most valuable way to grow and strengthen the church. Let the main point of the text be the main point of the sermon and keep the gospel at the center. Having faithful expository preaching creates expository listeners. Let’s be faithful listeners and teachers and handle His Word well.


  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • 2 Timothy 4:1-5
  • Genesis 1:1
  • Colossians 1:16
  • Hebrews 1:3
  • Brody’s Notes

Read Transcript

Alright. Today, we’re gonna talk about preaching. Preaching, preaching, preach the word. It’s gonna be good and I hope it’s gonna be helpful. And it is definitely something I would say it’s a controversial topic or controversial subject. And there’s so many different styles of preaching, different ways of preaching. We’re gonna look at Biblical preaching, what it is. And specifically, I wanna come at it from the angle of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. One of our pillars that we stand on, and this is in our mission statement, is expository preaching. And so following up the last episode where we talked about what a Biblical church looks like, we wanna talk about the first distinctive of a Biblical church. And then for us, what that distinctive looks like in the ministry of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. I hope it’s helpful as you consider and think about preaching, that there is a right way to preach and a wrong way to preach and a Biblical way to preach. I’m not talking about if people are really gifted, who’s the best communicator, talking about what biblical preaching is, and I hope it’s gonna be helpful. So stay tuned. Here we go.

Welcome to No Sanity Required from the ministry of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters, a podcast about the Bible, culture, and stories from around the globe.

About two years ago, two, three years ago. Let’s say, be three years ago now, I was in West Africa, I was in Togo where we’re trying to get some work done and partnering with some folks, and we’ve now got several Snowbird families serving and working in that area, that part of the world, and I was out in this village at a worship service, and this little dude was preaching his lungs out, man, he was throwing down. And he was preaching the Gospel, just proclaiming the Gospel, and then had two different interpreters ’cause there are multiple dialects. And man, he was so excited and so wound up and he was just… And I don’t know what he was saying, I couldn’t understand anything. I was just there as a sort of as a by-stander. He was preaching with passion for sure.\

And I was thinking, I wonder where he learned to preach like that, did that yelling, scream… When I was growing up, preaching was only preaching if it was loud and if there was a cadence, and this is literally in the older American tradition of preach, and there’s like a cadence that goes with it. It’s very cadence-based. And preachers will get in like a rhythm almost, and then you’ve got more modern preachers that are all over the spectrum. You got guys that are more of what you would call a teacher, they don’t preach and throw down and scream and snort and hallow, they teach more, they’re more relaxed with it, and still preaching, a lot of them, faithful Biblical truth. And you’ve got people that… You got preachers that are really dynamic communicators and really charismatic in their personality.

And then you got guys that are pretty dry, but very faithful. There’s guys like really good commentary writers and theologians, guys like Wayne Grudem and Warren Wiersbe, who are just so faithful to the Lord and to the scripture, but are not the most dynamic communicators. So, I wanna talk about preaching in the local church, and then I’m gonna come at it a little bit from the angle of preaching at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. So, let’s get into this, I wanna go from Scripture, I wanna look at those scriptures, what the scripture says. Because what the Bible says about preaching, that’s what faithful preaching is. So, preaching is not faithful just because a person is a good communicator, and it’s not unfaithful if a person’s not a great communicator. Now, the Scripture does say that pastors and overseers need to be able to teach.

So, there’s an ability and a gift that God gives the ability to communicate, but I wanna look at what the scripture says about preaching. So, this is Paul writing to Timothy, and this is good for the context we’re in, because Timothy was a young pastor and Paul was an older pastor who was training and equipping him. So 2 Timothy 3, verses 16 and 17, and then we’ll roll into 2 Timothy 4, the first five verses. So, we’re gonna look at seven verses. Here we go. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reprove, for correction and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” So, we start there, but that’s actually where we’re gonna finish. We’re gonna come back to that. We’ll get into these next few verses.

“I charge you in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ, who is to judge the living and the dead. And by His appearing and His Kingdom, preach the Word. Be ready in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, exhort with complete patience and teaching for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions. And will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering. Do the work of an evangelist. Fulfill your ministry.”

So, strong words, and these are the last words of Paul to Timothy, ’cause he rolls right into that talking about that his death is coming. The next passage is this beautiful passage where he says, “For I’m already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the fight.”

So, in his dying day, in his dying breath, he’s saying to Timothy, “Here’s what’s most important. Preach the word. Preach, preach, preach.” And so I wanna talk about preaching and as a distinctive of a faithful ministry and a faithful Church, preaching has to be at the center. Now, there are ministries that are not preaching ministries, there are ministries that are primarily humanitarian or food and feeding programs, or a tutoring program, whatever. And so I would say in those, the gospel needs to be central. Any faithful biblical ministry, I wanna see a centrality of the gospel, but specifically when we’re talking about preaching, what kind of preaching are we talking about? What does preaching need to look like? So, let’s get into this.

Now, I will say… By the way, it is snowing and it is beautiful here. I’m sitting at my desk here looking out at a beautiful snowy morning, the Snowbird mountains are covered in snow, they’re white and snow’s falling right here on the barn. From my desk, I can see my barn and snow is falling on the barn and the woolly sheep look very woolly and warm, so this is a perfect morning to record a podcast. I’m excited about this. All I need is a fresh cup of coffee, so maybe I’ll take a break and go get that.

Alright. 2 Timothy 3:16-45. Let’s break it down. At the core of the text, we see the high value placed on the preaching of the Word, the obvious thing we see is the profitability of the word and the effectiveness of it. The obvious things that we see are the profitability of the word, that means the usefulness of the word, and the effectiveness of the word. So the word of God is useful and the word of God is effective. So, we should use the word of God for preaching. That’s the base and the basis of our preaching. This type of preaching is called pastoral preaching. So, what Paul is telling Timothy to do is, as a pastor, preach and teach the Bible, so in the context of the local church, this is pastoral or pastoral preaching. Paul says in this text that this type of preaching that is biblical will expose false teaching because of myths, and draw lines between biblical and faithful preaching and false teaching. In the Bible, we see preaching sort of thread each age of history together.

We know that God in Christ Jesus spoke the creation into being, Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:16. And that by that same word, He sustains all of creation, Hebrews 1:3. So, there’s this sort of sermon preaching that God does and create in the world and then sustain in the world. And then as you move through human history, we see preaching sort of take on different shapes and purposes. God gives His Word to men as a revelation of himself and his plans and his purposes. So, like you’ve got the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the early Patriarchs, you see the word of God come to these men, that’s a form of preaching. Then Moses, as the shepherd of God’s people, becomes a sort of preacher as he shepherds the people of God, and He shares the word of the Lord with those people. Then through the ministry of the prophets, and we’ve talked on this podcast before about how the prophets, they rise up during the time of the kings, and it’s really interesting, ’cause what happens is the kings are in Israel and Judah, the Kings out of 40 kings recorded, 32 of them are unfaithful to the Lord.

You’ve got actually, I think eight total kings in Judah are faithful, and all the rest of the kings in Judah, and then all of the kings in Israel after Solomon are unfaithful to the Lord. So the kings are unfaithful. They’re not faithfully bringing the word of the Lord, so God raises up prophets, and these prophets were… These men of old were, they were preachers. That’s what they were, they were preachers of the word, they came and they preached. Then apostles in the New Testament were commissioned by Jesus, and Jesus himself was a great preacher, I mean, right in the middle of Jesus’s ministry, we’ve got the Sermon on the Mount. The sermon, it’s a sermon, the sermon on the mountain side, and then you’ll see Jesus preach, travel, he’s a traveling and preaching ministry, and then he passes this on to the apostles, and so that’s where preaching is today is, it’s the preaching that came out of the ministry of the apostles, and that’s what we call pastoral or pastoral preaching.

So, this type of preaching, pastoral preaching is preaching that is based on God’s written Word. So, the basis of preaching is the Word of God, so if you’re asking yourself, “Is this guy a faithful preacher?” The answer should be, and maybe the next question should be, well, where is he preaching from? Is this preaching coming from the Scripture, and can I see that he’s using the word of God as the foundation for the sermon? And is he preaching the scripture? So we say, preach the word that comes from this text, so that the word of God has to be preached. There’s no… I’ve seen sermons and heard of sermons where… I mean, I’ve literally sat and heard a sermon that I would call like a sermonette. It was like a little mini-sermon where I was at a church on a Sunday, and the person gets up there, opens and reads a 20-minute little of what they would call a homily, which is a sermon, and it was like…

It just wasn’t rooted in scripture, it was more like life help, self-help, life help, devotional thought. So, preaching has to be centered in the Word of God. Then the question will be, why expository preaching? And to go back to what we talked about in the last episode, expository preaching just means, I’m making the main text… I mean, the main point of the text, the main point of the sermon. I’m asking the question, what is the text saying? What did God intend to communicate through this text? And then I’m communicating that as a preacher to the hearers, the audience. That’s expository preaching. So the opposite of expository preaching in a less destructive way would be you just take the text and then you don’t really walk through it and give the main point of it, you give some thoughts and ideas that the text maybe supports or doesn’t contradict, but on like a really bad negative side of this would be, you take a text and then you distort it and you twist it and you become the authority over the text, so you’ll hear…

This is where false teachers will take a text and they’ll distort that text and they’ll make it mean what they want it to mean. And so they’ll project their idea or meaning onto the text. So, expository preaching is work and doing the hard work of figuring out what the text means, what is God saying to us and then communicating that. So here’s some thoughts on preaching in the local church. Let’s see… One, two, three, four, five thoughts in the local church. Preaching God’s word is the fundamental task of pastoral ministry, there’s no more valuable way to grow and strengthen the Church.

I’ll read that again. Preaching God’s word is the fundamental task of pastoral ministry, there’s no more valuable way to grow and strengthen the church. I wanna link this, outline these notes into the podcast description, so you guys will have access to that. So preaching God’s word is the fundamental task of pastoral ministry. So as a pastor, number one priority is to preach the word of God, not to visit the elderly, not to visit sick people in the hospital, not to disciple one-on-one, not to hold a men’s prayer group on Thursday morning. Those are all good things, and those are all pastoral things, and those are all responsibilities that pastors and local churches need to carry out. Now, as the church, if it’s a larger church, one guy can’t do all those things so that’s where the team of pastors and elders and then deacons are all dividing the responsibility, but the primary role and fundamental task of a pastor in his ministry is to preach the word of God.

Next thought, biblical preaching is in keeping with the purpose and power of God’s word, it is biblical in its function, purpose and effect, not just in its presentations. I’m gonna read that again. Biblical preaching is in keeping with the purpose and power of God’s word. So there’s a purpose why God gave us His word, and there is power in the word of God. And biblical preaching is in keeping with both of those. It is biblical in its function, purpose and effect. So the function of preaching is biblical, the purpose, the how of preaching, the why of preaching, and then the effect of preaching is biblical, it’s not just, not just in its presentations. So it’s not just, do I present this in a way that people enjoy it? It’s is it biblical and it’s keeping, very important. Okay?

Next, biblical exposition is that in which the intent and content of the sermon is controlled by the intent and content of the biblical passage of Scripture. I heard a guy, I forget his name. I think he’s a pastor in Chicago, David I’ve got a commentary with this guy. David Helm, David Helm I think is who I heard preach on this, I believe, I might be misquoting wrong guy. David Helm will never hear this anyway, but David Helm’s awesome communicator, commentator, but I think that’s who I heard say this, “Biblical exposition is that in which the intent and content of the sermon is controlled by the intent and content of the biblical passage of Scripture.” In other words, it’s not just coverage of the material but is the accomplishment of a biblical intention. Man, that’s so important. Listen, you’re sitting there in church on Sunday, or you’re sitting at a youth event at Winter Xtreme or Winter WoW, or Winter Verge, Merge, these big student conferences that are probably not happening this year ’cause of Covid. But I’ve spoken in a lot of these events where you got 5,000-6,000 students in the room and the guy there preaching is not doing this, what we just explained.

Biblical exposition is that in which the intent and the content of the sermon is controlled by the intent and the content of the biblical passage of Scripture. In other words, it is not just coverage of the material, but it is the accomplishment of a biblical intention. So when God put for instance, the text that we’re reading right here in 2 Timothy 3 and 4, when he put that text and I’m not preaching through this text right now by the way, that’s not what I’m doing. If I was gonna teach through 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which I’ve done and those podcasts are available, if I was gonna preach and teach through that, then what I would need to do is say, what was God’s intention in writing this? And then that’s what I wanna communicate. That’s so important because what I do is I recognize that I am conveying a message from the Lord, not from me, I’m the messenger as the preacher.

Next, the job and task of preaching is to determine and then communicate the very reason for a text’s existence. What is God’s reason for writing this, in other words? So typically what that looks like is, and when we go back to the previous observation content and intent, why did God write this? So the passage we read at the beginning of this podcast, God wrote, “Put these words on paper through Paul’s pen, to encourage and strengthen Timothy and to help him pastor more effectively and in accordance with God’s plans for pastoring.” So there was a purpose for why God wrote this. Then we have to go do the work of what does it mean for us today, 2,000 years later, what does it mean for me?

And then next… I said there were five. I think there’s actually more, there’s maybe eight of these. Next, the task of the sermon is to let God’s word speak. The task of the sermon is to let God’s word speak. So in one sense, the preacher is to get out of the way, you’ll hear that terminology used, he’s to get out of the way, God’s word needs to speak, I’m the messenger, I need to get out of the way. It needs to not be about me.

Next. Why is this approach and understanding so important and needed? Number one, because people’s lives are at stake. Why is this approach and understanding so important, I need to sort. Why am I talking about preaching in this manner? Why are we devoting a whole podcast episode, and we could devote a bunch of episodes to this, we’ve done whole conferences on this at Snowbird. Why is it so important? Why is it so needed? Because people’s lives are at stake. Hebrews 2:1, Hebrews 3:7. Let me read this, Hebrews chapter two verse one; “Therefore, we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard lest we drift away from it.” Therefore, we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. And Hebrews 3:7; “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says… “ So there you’ve got… And then he quotes Scripture in Hebrews 3. So in Hebrews 3, the writer says; “Therefore the Holy Spirit says,” present tense says, and then he quotes a text that at that time was almost 1,000 years old, so when the word of God is being read, literally, it is in the present tense that it’s being in…

And like it’s God’s word is living and active. Hebrews says in Hebrews 4, God’s word is living and active, it’s breathed out by God, and so it’s at work. So Hebrews 2:1, “We must pay closer attention so that we don’t drift away.” So, people’s lives are at stake, that’s why this approach and understanding of preaching is so important. Number two, the health of the church is at stake. The health of the church is at stake. If a church is to be healthy, the centerpiece to the spiritual physiology of a church, the health of a church is faithful preaching and faithful… Faithful preaching produces faithful hearers. If you preach the Word of God faithfully then the hearer is hearing faithfully… Has an opportunity to hear faithfully. So that’s why we talk about, expository preaching creates expository listeners. Number three, the integrity of the pastor, so this is all under why is this approach and understanding so important and needed. Again, if you’re having a hard time following this, we’ll post the outline, link the outline.

Why is this approach and understanding so important and needed? Number one, because people’s lives are at stake. Number two the health of the church is at stake. Number three, the integrity of the pastor or preacher is at stake. His integrity is at stake. And number four, the glory of God as it is received in men’s hearts is at stake.

So what is at stake when a man stands and preaches the word of God, and why is this approach so important and needed, because these four things are at stake; people’s lives, the health of the church, the integrity of the pastor or preacher, and the glory of God as it is received in men’s hearts. Those are the things that are at stake. The glory of God is not at stake. God says to Isaiah, to the Prophet Isaiah, “I yield my glory to no man.” But we say the glory of God as it is received in men’s hearts is at stake. So, very important. What where are we up to? Number six, let’s see… Some thoughts on preaching in, to the local church. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. We’re at number seven. God and His Word are so closely intertwined that to feed on His word and how we respond to his word is exactly how we respond to God. He is present in his Word, He makes Himself known in His word.

So God’s word is so… God and His word are so closely intertwined that when we feed on His word, then how we respond to his word is how we respond to God. And so, the preacher is communicating God’s word in a way that the people can respond to that. And then Deuteronomy 8, let me read Deuteronomy 8, 3 and 4, give me a second to turn over there, I should have already had this bookmarked, but I did not, I apologize. Deuteronomy 8, Verses 3 and 4. I don’t remember where this is. I’m sorry. Bear with me one more page to turn, Deuteronomy 8, 3 and 4.

“He humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know nor did your fathers know that He might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Your clothing did not wear out, and your… On you and your foot did not swell these 40 years.” So he’s saying… This is when Moses was talking about remembering God and he’s saying, man, God fed you and cared for you and took care of you in all those 40 years in the wilderness, but it was the Word of God communicated to you that sustained you, you can’t live just with your physical needs being met. Man lives by God’s word, but unregenerate man comes to life by the word of God so that He might live. So man lives by God’s word, but unregenerate man comes to life by the word of God that He might live. So, in other words, you’re living physically, but you come to life spiritually through the word of God, faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of God. So those are thoughts on preaching in the local church. I hope that’s helpful.

Now, I wanna leave you with… As I said we’re gonna come back to the beginning of our text that we read, and I do wanna do a little example of exposition or expository teaching by just walking through 2nd Timothy 3, 16 and 17, the first two verses we read. All Scripture is breathed out by God. So I wanna give you in these two versus four theological convictions for preaching, and in giving you these things, this is gonna be sort of a mini sermon. Okay, very mini ’cause we’re 23 minutes into this, so we’ll get it wrapped up pretty quick here. So, four theological convictions for preaching.

Anyway, we’re winding this thing down, I wanna give you from the text, from these two verses, four theological convictions for preaching. Number one, all Scripture is breathed out by God. God really did speak this to us, so there is something specific and objective that God is saying. Why do I say specific and objective? Because it makes me uncomfortable when someone says, “What does this text mean to you?” Okay, no, no, no. What does it mean to God? That’s the question I ask.

1. All Scripture is breathed out by God.

Now, how does it apply to my life? And how could there be some… For some of us, there might be some special application. Like for instance, if you read the 23rd Psalm, God is saying something specific, but if you’re going through a difficult trial in life then maybe it means something more to you than it did before you were going through that trial. And it can be… There can be a different application depending on where I am at life, but what God is saying doesn’t change, so I don’t say, “What does this mean to me?” I say, “What is God… What does it mean to God?” So, God really did speak this or something specific and objective that God is saying and… It’s objective, not subjective.

2nd Timothy 3:16, “God speaks.” He is a self-revealing God. It is his delight to be known, and we see it through creation and redemption, but God’s specific and objective revelation to us is first and foremost through His spoken and written word. That is the primary way that God communicates; through His spoken and written word. Preachers must understand these three implications of this first point.

2. Scripture is Understandable

Preaching is to be expository. We are not to tamper with the Word of God.And preaching is centered around the public reading of scripture. So, if I read the word of God and then don’t tamper with it, but simply say what it means, that’s expository preaching. So, all scripture is breathed out by God. So, first theological conviction for preaching, I need to understand that all scripture is breathed out by God, it’s breathed out by God. Number two, scripture is understandable. Scripture is understandable. There’s this false idea that I can’t understand the Bible, it’s just too complicated. No, it’s understandable, I only need to convey what God has already said in scripture. Paul said it this way to Timothy in one verse earlier, let’s see. In an earlier chapter… Hold on, hold on, hold on. Go back. Read this. One chapter back, 2 Timothy 2:15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of truth.” So, rightly divide the word of truth is the way most of us have heard that.

Paul says that way in Timothy, rightly divide the Word of Truth. So, scripture is understandable. So, as a preacher and teacher, I need to rightly handle that which God has made understandable, and then my job is to make sure people do understand and can have it applied to their lives. If God made the word to be understood, and he did, then the preacher should do the hard work of dividing it and explaining it. So, God made the Word of God to be understood. The preacher’s job is to take that which is understandable and knowable and explain it in a way that people can receive it and apply it. We trust the word of God with this. Man, I’ll tell you a cool story. My son, oldest son’s coach, his football coach, Coach Joe Sturtament. Awesome dude, love that guy, a good brother. And when we were looking at transferring and talked to that school, and then I met the coach and we were talking. And I was interested if he was a man of faith, not that that was gonna determine if we made the transition or not, but it was important to me.

What kind of influence is this coach gonna be? What drives his world view? Is football his God or is it, no, this is a tool and an opportunity for young man, but there are bigger things in life to worry about. And so I’m talking to him and he said, “Man,” he’s… Joe’s like, Coach Sturtament is like 33 years old, something like that. He said, “Man, I grew up in church. But kinda in and out of church.” When it was not inconvenient, we’d go to church. He said, “I was 30 years old when my first kid was born, and I’ve been out of church for a long time since basically left home hadn’t gone to church, since high school, and then again in high school, we said he was kinda in and out marginal.

And he said, “I’m 30 years old. I’ve always said I was a Christian, but never really lived a Christian life,” and I decided, “You know what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna read the Bible, see what it says and then determine if I’m a Christian or not.” And he said, “I read the Bible, it’s so impacted me that I read it again,” he said, “I read it three times through, and I’m so convinced that I’m a child of God, I’m a Christian, I’m a Christ-follower.” This is a guy who at that point had never been discipled, never been really equipped for the Christian life, but took the Word of God, read it daily and read through it three times, and it changed his life. Go back to the episodes we did on Amir. Amir took the word of God that my son-in-law Greg gave him, read it, read the New Testament several times. It changed his life forever. So, the word of God is powerful, we can trust it, we can… And it’s understandable. We need to believe that. And so we need to read it and the preacher needs to do the work of making sure it’s explainable.

3. Scripture is Useful

Number three, the third theological conviction for preaching; scripture is useful, scripture is useful. And that’s the word profitable there, and then what is it useful for? Reprove, correction and training and righteousness, useful for all these things.

4. Scripture is Efficacious

Number four, fourth theological conviction for preaching is that scripture is efficacious, that means that it’s potent, it means it accomplishes what God intends for it to accomplish. In the efficacy of scripture, we see the sovereignty of God reflected. So, God said what he intended to say, so that he would achieve his intended results. So, these four theological convictions for preaching, should God and direct preaching, all scripture is breathed out by God. Scripture is understandable, scripture is useful. And for all these things, reprove, correction and training in righteousness and scripture is efficacious. So, as a distinctive of what a church should do and be when it comes to preaching, a church should preach the Word of God, that should be the center of the pastoral ministry of that church, it should be foundational to that church.

And we could get into so many different applications and components to what biblical preaching is, but I hope that’s helpful and gives you some direction in terms of… I mean, we could talk… We could talk about so many different components and aspects. We can take any of these thoughts and observations and really unpack them further, but hopefully that gives you some help and understanding going back to these last two episodes were driven by someone writing in and saying, “When should I leave a church? How do I know if I should stay at a church?” And this is the first and foremost, I think category or conversation to have is man, is the preaching here faithful? Is it biblical?

‘Cause if it’s not, then I need to move on. I need to go somewhere where the Word of God is being rightly handled and taught. And maybe we’ll get into… And I don’t know, I’m not making any promises here, but maybe we’ll get into an episode where we talk about what false teaching looks like, but it’s just… It can be… It can take on so many different forms. You know, it’s like, if I know what the real deal is, like counterfeit money, if you know what a real $100 bill looks like, then it doesn’t matter if there’s a thousand different counterfeits. You’ll recognize any counterfeit. So, if I focus on faithful teaching and preaching and explanation of the Word of God, then anything else will be exposed by that, including, you could carry this over into different areas of worship and Christian life, I carried it to worship through music. For instance, I’m gonna call somebody out here like the Bethel church crowd out west, those guys, they put out some incredibly good music and incredibly rich lyrics.

But then they put out some stuff that’s man, they say and preach and teach and do and sing and some things that are just wrong. And if it’s wrong and un-Biblical, it’s demonic, like false teaching is rooted in Satan’s language, that’s what he did in the garden with Adam and Even. So, real and biblical preaching is critical to our growth and the health of the church, and I hope that gives you some direction and help in understanding these things. These two episodes have been a little longer and then the CRT episodes were a little longer, I’m gonna try to keep these things a little bit shorter, but hopefully it’s been helpful and insightful, and I’m really thankful that you tuned in and joined in. And that we’ll see you in the next episode, see you soon.

December 7, 2020

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