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May 3,

NSR: What Fear in the Life of a Believer Should Look Like

Fear is all around us. The world is fallen and broken, and we need to combat our fears with prayer and Scripture. Prayer must be a consistent part of our …

Apr 26,

NSR: What Prayer in the Life of a Believer Should Look Like

Most Christians would admit that their prayer life isn’t what they want it to be. Prayer is a great gift that allows us to communicate with the Almighty God. As …

Apr 19,

Surviving a Grizzly Attack

In today’s podcast, Brody sits down with Bruce Crocker, who recently worked in the maintenance department here at Snowbird. Bruce shares his testimony of how the Lord used a bear …

Apr 12,

NSR: Proclaim the Gospel Knowing that Only God Can Save

Sharing the Gospel can be scary and tough to do. But it’s our responsibility and joy to be faithful to share the hope we have. If we don’t actually trust …

Apr 4,

NSR: The Unlawful Trial of Jesus

Happy Resurrection Sunday! The grave is empty. Hell and sin are defeated. Our worldly flesh has been defeated by Jesus’ work at the Cross and power over the grave! Christian, …

Mar 29,

A Faithful Church in the Wake of Trauma

In today’s episode, Brody sits down with Courtney Seifert Williams, a former Snowbird staff member. Courtney shares her story of how the Lord preserved her in the midst of her …

Mar 23,

NSR: Living Lives of Balance

It’s important to recognize and have conversations about our nation’s dark past. Instead of erasing history, we need to remember it and learn from it. In this episode, Brody discusses …

Mar 15,

A Parent’s Role in Their Child’s Faith (Ft. Moses’s Salvation Story)

In this episode, Brody celebrates the recent salvation of his youngest son, Moses! Their family has been praying for years that Mo would come to understand His need for the …

Mar 8,

NSR: Submitting to the Authority of Scripture

When culture changes, do we change with it? Do we adapt the Bible to fit the fleeting trends of society? No, as believers, we conform only to the image of …

Mar 1,

The Light & Hope of the Gospel Despite Addiction

Listen to part 1 here. Sean Casteel has been sober and walking with the Lord for over 7 years now. The Lord saved his soul from death and gave him …

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