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Be Strong: But As For You

Brody Holloway : 1 Timothy 6 : Be Strong

To be a man of God-to be called that- is the greatest, yet simplest description we could ask for and work towards. The contrast is a complicated, selfish position to one where a clear testimony is lived out. The church needs Men of God to lead. If we spend our lives pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness, then we believe that through the Holy Spirit, we will grow in all of these areas. But the moment we begin to lose this focus, we will run towards those things Paul warns us about.

What are you after? The pleasures of this life are fleeting, but eternity and it’s glory are forever. What do you want from life? What will bring lasting pleasure? You know what will? Christ. Obedience to Christ is the only thing that provides lasting pleasure.

Let’s pursue these things. To do so will require that we be aggressive and focused. Jesus said that we should cut off our hand or pluck out our eye if either causes us to sin. How ambitious and committed is our pursuit of these things.

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Men’s Conference

March 21, 2019

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