Summer Camp
Breakout: The Holy Spirit
Spencer Davis | Breakout | SWO14 Spencer Davis surveys the Scriptures to teach about God the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives concerning conviction, comfort, leading, and the …
Teaching Bible Doctrine
Rob Conti | SWO14 | Leader Breakout Rob Conti addresses the responsibility of teaching the Bible to students, along with practical advice on how to approach it. Rob looks to …
Bible Study And the Character Of God
Rob Conti | Breakout Session What Do Bible Study and the Character of God have in Common? Rob Conti teaches on how to study the Bible, one of the most …
SWO14: How To Honor God As Men And Women
Brody Holloway | SWO14 | Ruth Brody Holloway looks at the story of Ruth to begin an all-day focus on biblical sexuality during SWO14. Both Boaz and Ruth act as …
SWO14: The Lord’s Supper
Brody Holloway | Mark 14:22-25 | SWO14 Brody Holloway closes out SWO14 by looking at Jesus’s proclamation of the fulfillment of the Gospel has come in the book of Mark. …
Pastoring With a Family | Youth Ministry
Brody Holloway | SWO14 | Leader Breakout Brody Holloway addresses the importance of understanding that your family is your first ministry calling. Your time is spent investing in the Word …
The Crucifixion Of Jesus (SWO14)
Spencer Davis | Mark 14-15 | SWO14 Spencer Davis continues through the theme for SWO14 by looking at the crucifixion of Jesus in Mark 14-15. At no point during the …
Guys Breakout: Lust
Spencer Davis | Guys Breakout | SWO14 Spencer Davis takes an honest look at the battle with sexual lust and pornography, revealing, through scripture, the victory that is possible in …
Breakout: How Do I Know that I’m Saved?
Spencer Davis | Breakout | SWO14 Spencer Davis looks at salvation, the work of Christ, and the confidence that can be had in Christ. Each night, many people “pray the …
SWO14 Breakout: Social Media
Zach Mabry | Breakout | SWO14 Zach Mabry discusses the responsibility of the believer when it comes to social media and ways we can use these platforms for the glory of …