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Fall Retreat: Faith that Works

fall youth retreats

Dallas Bozeman : Fall Retreat : Freedom in Christ : November 3, 2018

When we look at James 2 we see that the people are being rebuked because they are relying on their knowledge of God to save them. James warns them that their faith is dead because their actions don’t align. They have mistaken their faith in Christ as the freedom to live for themselves. True faith cares for those around you and they have neglected this teaching. Selfishness is common in our world but it cannot be normal in the body of Christ.

Jesus is sufficient, and He is worthy. He does not hesitate when He tells us to count the cost, because it comes with a cross to bear. True faith will cost you relationships. True faith will cost you friends. True Faith will cost you everything.

Fall Youth Retreats at Snowbird, graphic

FALL RETREATS for Students

Life and Godliness

November 9, 2018

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