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Event Session

May 29,

Q&A Panel Discussion On Biblical Womanhood: Respond at Home

  Panel: Little Holloway, Sarah Conti, Amy Rasmussen, and Amy Davis. Moderator: Bethany Clark What encouragement would you give to the mama that continually feels like she’s not doing enough …

May 25,

Come to the Lord

Little Holloway : Respond at Home : May 18, 2020 It’s easy to get so caught up in the busyness of life that we stop making the Lord a priority. …

May 25,

Resting at the Feet of Jesus

Bethany Clark: Respond at Home: May 19, 2020 Too often we want God to fix all of our problems without walking through them. Even as believers we don’t get to …

May 25,

Learning Love Through the Lord’s Prayer

Amy Rasmussen : Respond at Home : May 20, 2020 We as Christians are to receive Christ’s love and be vessels of His love. Through the Lord’s Prayer, we learn …

May 25,

Gospel Hope in Every Circumstance

Sarah Conti : Respond at Home : May 21, 2020 When circumstances in life leave our souls shaken and in turmoil, we can look to the psalmist’s example of raw …

Mar 11,

All Signs Point to the Gospel

Brody Holloway | John 2 | Saturday Night

Mar 11,

Eternal Redemption

  Rob Conti | Hebrews 9 Get the Latest SWO Resources

Mar 11,

Slaves to Righteousness

Spencer Davis | Romans 6  

Mar 11,

How God Has Redeemed You Through Christ

  Brody Holloway | Hosea 3 

Feb 27,

Girls Q&A Session (Purity)

Brody and Little Holloway | 1 Samuel 16 | Saturday Morning

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