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Event Session

Aug 17,

Strength From The Lord In Times Of Discouragement

Brody Holloway : Summer 2019 : Friday AM By His words, Jesus cast out demons, rebuked hypocrites, healed lepers, forgave sin and brought hope to the sick and dying.  God‘s …

Aug 17,

Dealing With Depression | SWO19 Breakout

Depression is a widespread affliction, but does the Bible actually talk about it? Yes, the Bible addresses both depression and anxiety and points us to the hope and peace we …

Aug 16,

SWO19 Youth Pastor Breakout: Preparing Your Students for Cultural Engagement

Summer 2019 We have to train our students to be uniquely Christian in the culture that we are living in today. This means that we have to think about what …

Aug 16,

SWO19 Breakout: The Case for the Resurrection

Summer 2019  The truthfulness of the Gospel hinges on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The apostle Paul made it crystal clear in 1 Corinthians 15 that if …

Aug 16,

You Can Trust God Our Father (SWO19 Session)

Spencer Davis : Summer 2019 : Thursday AM   In Matthew 7, Jesus tells us to ask and we will receive, to seek and we will find, to knock and …

Aug 15,

Starting Well, Running Well, and Finishing Well

Brody Holloway : Summer 2019 : Thursday AM During this session, Brody spoke to high school freshmen to prepare and encourage them as they embark on this new journey of …

Aug 14,

SWO19 Girls: Kilby Holloway Testimony

Kilby Holloway : Summer 2019 : Wednesday AM For our split girl session for SWO19, Kilby Holloway shares her personal struggle with pornography. She walks through how she was first …

Aug 13,

Redeeming Masculinity (SWO19 Guys Session)

Dallas Bozeman : Summer 2019 : Wednesday AM Jesus Christ is the prototypical man who displays both compassion and courage. In a society where masculinity is often rejected or abused, …

Aug 13,

SWO19 Breakout: Is Jesus the Only Way

Summer 2019  “Aren’t there many ways to God?” “How do we know Jesus is the right way and not another religion?” “How can Christians say that they are right and …

Aug 12,

The Discipline of the Lord

Brody Holloway : Summer 2019 : Tuesday AM When we think of discipline, we are quick to think of punishment. Sometimes God uses correction to change the behavior of His …

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