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Event Session

Aug 25,

View People Like Christ, Not Like the World (For Student Pastors)

  Quintell Hill | James 2:1-3 | Iron on Iron | Saturday AM The Bible calls Christians to live through the eyes of faith, transformed by the Holy Spirit. As …

Aug 25,

Key Truths 30 Years of Youth Ministry Has Taught Me

  Steve Brooks : 30 Years of Student Ministry : Iron on Iron : Saturday AM Students in your youth group need to understand that their faith is grounded in …

Aug 25,

How To Teach The Bible (The World’s Best Cup of Coffee)

Jeff Martin : 1 Timothy 1:6-14 : Iron on Iron : Saturday AM “Gospel” has become this generation’s buzzword in the Church, but we can never allow it to become …

Aug 25,

Iron on Iron: Command and Teach, Part 1

Brody Holloway : 1 Timothy 4:11-16 : Iron on Iron : Friday PM It is vital that we strive to sustain the integrity of biblical truth in the church. Truthful preaching …

Aug 14,

Effective Leadership In Student Ministry

Brody Holloway | Student Pastors | SWO17 Friday Morning What does it mean to serve Christ faithfully in a culture that encourages self-promotion? How do we lead a generation of …

Aug 14,

How to Develop a Worldview for Your Students (For Youth Pastors)

Zach Mabry | Student Pastors | SWO17 Thursday AM Students are being raised in a culture that believes Christianity is a crutch for ignorant people. That couldn’t be farther from …

Aug 14,

Create a Great Commission Culture In Your Student Ministry

Rob Conti | Student Pastors | SWO17 Wednesday AM If we want to raise a generation of students to faithfully serve the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we …

Aug 14,

Teaching the Bible to Students (For Student Pastors)

Spencer Davis | Student Pastors | SWO17 Tuesday AM In this breakout, Spencer Davis provided practical instruction on how to teach the Bible to students. The way we personally study and …

Aug 13,

SWO17 Breakout: Social Media

SWO17 Social media is here to stay. Sure, different platforms may come and go, but our culture has been profoundly influenced by the advent of social media. Unfortunately, most of …

Aug 13,

SWO17 Breakout: The Reformation

SWO17 In 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther began a movement that would affect the entire world. What was it all about? In light of the Protestant Reformation’s 500th …

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