Be Strong: A Desire for Christ Leads to Obedience

Dallas Bozeman: Be Strong : September 26, 2017
God is in love with His people.
Babylon and Egypt are beginning to rise up and seek to conquer lands. They were acting as Jews by day and pagans by night.
“It is entirely possible to know the Word of God, but not the God of the Word.”
Whatever your heart desires is what you become.
God is contending with them as if in court. You have the one true God and you want to exchange Him for idols and pagan rituals.
2 Evils:
- Forsaking me
- Choosing your sin over me
We choose to give everything to Satan for sin that leaves us empty.
We often serve with broken hearts that are self-satisfying.
- The fear of me is not in you
- We still believe the lie that there is something better
- Tempted by our own desire
- Gives birth to sin, brings death
Check your heart– what and why would you exchange the glory of Christ for that?
Ministry Is Not About Results But Is About Obedience
Jeremiah preached for 40 years with no converts when he died.
- Pointing to the Cross
- No man has ever earned righteousness by works
Jesus Christ, Hope of the World
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