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What It Means To Be An Ambassador For Christ | Missions Session

Spencer Davis | Missions Conference 2021 | Friday night

Believers, we are called to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. Whether we go overseas or stay home we need to be sharing the Gospel. With this in mind, how can we prepare now? In this message, Spencer walks through why sharing the Gospel is so crucial to your walk with the Lord. We’ve been commanded to share. What are you going to do with that command?

Failing to share the Gospel is failing to obey. We need to see the reality of hell and care for the eternal souls around us. We need to feel the weight of those who stand condemned and share the hope we have with them. 

But you can’t share it if you don’t know it. You’re an ambassador for Christ. You’re not going to be excited about missions if you’re not excited about the Gospel. Immerse yourself in the message of the Gospel and share what you learn with the world. 


  • Matthew 8
  • Matthew 25
  • John 3
  • Romans 5
  • Matthew 28
  • Matthew 24

P.S. If you liked this episode, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please leave us a review on Apple or Spotify and help us get the content out to help others grow in their faith and mission to equip the Church.

May 13, 2021

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