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The Zeal Of Phineas And The Seduction of Israel | Be Strong

Brody Holloway | Be Strong | Saturday Morning

Consequences will come any time we compromise on what Scripture teaches. In Numbers 25, Israel became comfortable and submit to the cultural norms of the pagan people around them. Today, culture is making a mockery of the Biblical sexual ethic that God created us for. The issue is not desire or attraction, but an idolatrous heart.

Believers, Christ is the source of your identity. The roots we put down here have eternal implications. Society is going to sell you the easiest path, and we quickly become comfortable and tolerant of our sin. 

Men, we were not created for safety. We are ambassadors for Christ. 

You are not a victim of your sin but a conqueror in Christ. Live like it, and fight sin. 


  • Numbers 25
  • 1 Peter 
  • Romans 1

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April 14, 2022

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