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Brody Holloway

May 16,

From Deconstruction To Restoration

Don’t be afraid of doubt. Doubt is evidence of faith in the heart of a Christian, but there is a way to return from deconstruction to restoration with Christ. Brody …

May 10,

Christ Will Guard You & Keep You

Brody Holloway | Be Strong | Friday Night There are wolves in our churches and we need to be able to recognize them.  Wolves take the beautiful doctrine of the …

May 9,

Reflections On The Fall Of Mars Hill (pt.2)

After the recent podcasts on the fall of Mars Hill came out, how are we to prevent the same thing from happening in our own churches? Continuing his conversation with …

May 3,

What It Means To Be Priests

Be Strong | Brody Holloway | Saturday Night The Word of God calls us priests.  We’re called to be living sacrifices and to commit everything to Jesus. Too many of …

May 2,

Reflections On The Fall Of Mars Hill (pt.1)

Brody recently sat down with Jordan Bird, a former intern with an Acts 29 church, to reflect on the ministry at Mars Hill.  They also discuss the recent podcasts that …

Apr 25,

Abigail as a Type of Christ | Beyond the Flannelgraph

Abigail is a type (example) of Christ.  In 1 Samuel 25, she confronted David and 400 of his men to spare the lives of the men in her town. In …

Apr 18,

Solitude & Boredom in the Life of a Believer

We are always giving our attention to something.  But, what if the Lord is speaking to us and we’re not paying attention? We need to be disciplined about taking time …

Apr 14,

The Zeal Of Phineas And The Seduction of Israel | Be Strong

Brody Holloway | Be Strong | Saturday Morning Consequences will come any time we compromise on what Scripture teaches. In Numbers 25, Israel became comfortable and submit to the cultural …

Apr 11,

A Conversation On How The Gospel Transcends Culture pt. 3

Culture today wants to control what you believe.  There is continual pressure to stop walking with Jesus and to start following the world. We’re asked to believe the narrative society …

Apr 5,

Preparing for Marriage Q&A

Brody Holloway | Pure and Holy | Saturday Night In this session, Brody sits down with two couples and interviews them for the Pure and Holy retreat. He asks everything …

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