Biblical Womanhood Resources Hub
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Before we get into the biblical womanhood resources guide, we want to recommend our 12-day Colossians Bible study: The Preeminence of Christ.
It’s the quickest way to start a daily Bible reading habit and learn how to get more out of God’s Word. Colossians is a short and powerful letter by Paul, because it’s all about Jesus and his authority over all things. The Preeminence of Christ study will teach you how to read the Bible and apply it more faithfully to your daily life.

The Preeminence of Christ
12-Day Bible Study
This Bible study will help you set a steady pace to study the book of Colossians over 12 days. Each section highlights a particular passage, provides background context and helps the reader examine what God is saying.
Then, it finishes with a few questions to guide your personal application.
Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the exposition of Scripture and personal relationships in order to equip the Church to impact this generation.
The Goal of Biblical Womanhood
- Take Up Your Shield – The world is trying to distract you and pull you away from Christ. Here is what you need to know to recognize your enemy, put on your armor, and pursue the Lord faithfully.
- The Fight Against Sin, Our Affections for God – In Ephesians 2, Paul tells Christians that we’re in a battle. The local church needs godly women who are pursuing the Lord and fighting sin. Here are 6 truths that will inflate your affections for God.
- Discussion on Biblical Womanhood – Amy Davis, Amy Rasmussen, Little Holloway, Bethany Clark, and Sarah Conti discuss the core principles of biblical womanhood.
- The Steadfast Love of God – Here is what Scripture says the steadfast love of God is, with practical guidance on how to look at the covenants and promises God gives us in his Word. This is how we protect ourselves against false ideas that creep into our hearts and minds.
- The Power of Intentions – Right thinking leads to right living. Our thoughts can sometimes become so repetitive that they can become sinful in the way that we’re thinking. This is how we submit to the Holy Spirit.
- The Fruit of the Spirit is Christ – We can’t guard ourselves against the ways of this world if we’re not walking with Christ. Let the Spirit lead you by pursuing the Lord through reading his Word and prayer.
- The Fruit of the Spirit is Cultivated by Christ – Counterfeit fruit won’t last. Too many Christian women decorate their lives to look clean, but fail in walking with Jesus daily. The Lord is patient with our failures and works to sanctify us; so let’s walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
What the Bible Says and Doctrine
- Isaac & Rebekah – Genesis 24 gives us an example of godly manhood and womanhood, while the Lord is at work in the relationship.
- Disciplines of a Godly Woman – We must radically change and replace our old, destructive habits with new life-giving habits. Here are some practical tips from Little Holloway, on how to find joy in spiritual disciplines based on God’s grace.
- Beholding Christ in Every Moment – False narratives often sound spiritual (at first). Here’s how to guard yourself against false doctrines that creep into our lives over time.
- Psalm 43 – We should not grow weary of the importance of suffering alongside others who are different from us. Jesus is our only hope in the turmoil of a broken world. Let’s carry this hope of Christ to those around us.
Biblical Womanhood Resources on Culture
- A Christ-Centered Home – Are your kids being raised in a home that strives to keep Christ at the center of everything? Here are some thoughts to consider.
- A Conversation About Women in Ministry – Christianity is the most dignifying religion regarding women—contrary to what popular culture says. Jesus gives women a platform to minister and serve within his design.
- Eve’s Failure & What We Can Learn From It – God called Adam to lead, provide, and protect. God called Eve to love and help her husband. Women in our culture tend to either flex their independence or are content with being dominated. Here’s how to recognize our natural temptation toward sin and fight our flesh by submitting to Christ.
- Consistently Walking with Christ – God’s will for your life is sanctification, but Satan wants to distract. Keep your eyes on Jesus; he is all you need.
- How to Fight for Peace – Gospel-driven peace is worth fighting for. Here’s how.
- Contentment in Christ – Fight the lie that Jesus doesn’t care about you. Contentment is possible because of the strength we have in Christ.
- Single & Set Apart – Marriage is not a qualification for a happy life and fruitful ministry. Shelli Byrnes shares how to treasure your identity as one redeemed and loved by Jesus.
- Identity in Christ – God is the One who defines our identity. Let’s fight being distracted by the world and turn our eyes to Jesus.
- Who Do You Say I Am? – Sarah Conti walks through practical steps of knowing what the Lord calls you and living by that.
- Children in the Family of God – Walking through Matthew 3:16-17, we looked deep into what it means to be called “beloved” by the Lord. We are marked with a new identity in Christ Jesus after we are redeemed by the Gospel.
- Christ Makes us Whole – Rahab’s life is a message of hope—in tune with suffering. We serve a God that is bigger than our brokenness. Your sin is not bigger than the Gospel, so don’t let brokenness define you.
- Neither do I Condemn you, Go and Sin no More – The Pharisees hated that Jesus was a friend of sinners, but that means hope and peace for our souls. Don’t fall into legalism, but lean on His grace.
Growing in the Word
- Meditating on the Word of God – How to read the Bible without turning it into a daily task.
- How to Fall in Love With God’s Word – How to find true delight in the time you spend reading, studying, meditating, and memorizing Scripture.
- Why Study the Bible – Here’s how God’s Word affects everything in your day. Practical Bible study tips to help you grow in God’s Word.
- Take Action – How to start growing as a godly woman who bears the image of God faithfully.
- Studying Scripture – The standard of truth is not our emotional reaction to the Bible, but the original meaning of the Scriptures themselves.
- Growing in the Knowledge of God’s Word – Plant God’s Word in rich deep soil. Here’s how to listen to Jesus better.
Home, Marriage, and Motherhood
- Biblical Discipline in the Home – Amy Davis teaches what it means to train and discipline your children according to scriptural instruction.
- Wisdom for Living – In this session, Spicy Ridenour shared stories and examples from her life when she has seen the Lord work and taught her to be more like Him. God’s plan for your life is much better than your agenda. He has a reason for where He’s called you and what He’s asking you to do.
- How to Cultivate Creativity and Adventure in the Home – Our goal is for our kids to know Jesus. As moms, we should be striving to promote intentional Gospel-centered conversations with our kids. Normalize talking about Jesus in the home and build in reminders within your daily life that point them to the Lord.
- Parenting on Mission – We parent on-mission because of the joy found in Christ. He has called us to this mission. Let’s raise kids who embrace this mission and impact the culture of their day for the glory of God.
- Teaching Doctrine in the Home – Sarah Conti shares what she has learned in raising their children with a love for the Bible and how to nurture an accurate idea of who God is.
- Hospitality – Biblical hospitality is not about bringing people into your perfect home. Instead, it’s about bringing others into your home so you can reflect the Gospel, share life together, and contribute to the needs of the saints.
More Biblical Womanhood Resources – Books & Bible Studies
- Girl Talk by Carolyn Mahaney & Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
- Practical Theology for Women: How Knowing God Makes a Difference in Our Daily Lives by Wendy Horger Alsup
- Let me be a Woman by Elizabeth Elliot
- Eve in Exile and the Restoration of Biblical Femininity by Rebekah Merkle
- When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett, Brian Fikkert
- Heart of Addiction by Matt Shaw
- An Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
- Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault by Justin and Ellie Holcombe