Biblical Apologetics for Teens
Before we get into our guide on biblical apologetics for teens, we want to recommend our 12-day Colossians Bible study: The Preeminence of Christ.
The Preeminence of Christ: 12-Day Bible Study
The quickest way to start a daily Bible reading habit and learn how to get more out of God’s Word. Colossians is a short and powerful letter all about Jesus and his authority over all things (including parenting). The Preeminence of Christ study will teach you how to read the Bible and apply it more faithfully to your daily life.
Each section highlights a particular passage, provides background context and helps the reader examine what God is saying. It finishes with a few questions to guide personal application.
Let’s get into the resources guide on biblical apologetics…
Biblical Apologetics for Teens – What Your Students Need to Know
Here are some introductory reminders on Christian apologetics from one of our teachers, Zach Mabry:
- In general, the clearest interpretation should always be accepted.
- We use Scripture to interpret Scripture.
- It is helpful to ask, “What does the whole Bible say about this?”
- Remember, the Bible is not a science textbook, but it can be trusted to make comments on Creation.
Take a look at some of our best resources to learn more about Gospel-driven apologetics for teens.
5 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer
There are five key questions every worldview must answer for us to seriously consider it as a possible explanation of our lives and purpose on planet earth. Here they are below, with the Bible’s answers to each. If another worldview or religion (like Atheism, Islam, or anything else in between) wants to challenge the truths of Christianity, then we need to compare their responses.
Each of these questions is crucial to guide others toward a biblical understanding of Christian apologetics for teens.
1. Origin – Where did everything come from?
The Bible says: God is an eternal, transcendent being who created everything (Genesis 1:1, Hebrews 11:3; Colossians 1:16; Revelation 4:11; John 1:1-3; Romans 1; Exodus 20:11; Psalm 33:6; Jeremiah 10:12)
2. Identity – What does it mean to be a human being?
The Bible says: Human beings have been created as eternal beings in the image of God: worthy of dignity and value. (Genesis 1:26-27)
3. Purpose – Do I have purpose? Why am I here?
The Bible says: We have been created by God to give him glory through our obedience to His will. (Isaiah 43:7; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 1:16; Colossians 3:17; Ephesians 2:10)
4. Morality – Is there right/wrong, good/bad? What is the foundation?
The Bible says: God is the source of all goodness and has given us his Word to reveal his truth. (Exodus 20; Isaiah 33:22; Matthew 22:35-40; Micah 6:8)
5. Destiny – What happens when I die?
The Bible says: When human beings die they will spend eternity either in Heaven or hell. (Daniel 12:1-2; Matthew 25:46; John 5:29; Acts 24:15; Revelation 20:2-13)
Want to go deeper?
Click here to listen an entire teaching session on the Questions that Form Your Worldview.
Creation & Evolution: What Does the Bible Say?
God spoke the universe into existence out of nothing:
“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the Word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.”
Hebrews 11:3
The Bible also teaches us that Christ himself holds the world together:
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Colossians 1:15-18
How should we respond to the God who created all things?
- We should honor Him and give thanks to Him
- Recognize his goodness in creation
- Recapture the wonder of his creation
- We can trust in him
Want to go deeper?
- What Does the Bible Say About Creation?
- Creation, Science, and the Bible
- Should Christians Embrace Evolution?
- Evolution: The Religion of Death
- Theistic Evolution
How to Talk to Your Teens About the Existence of God
Students need to be challenged to be self-consciously aware of their worldviews.
We have to realize that all of our beliefs need to be held together in a consistent worldview. You cannot just “pick and choose” the things that you want to believe without an understanding of how they fit together.
But, this requires consistency from us—inside and out. It requires us to help students stop and think. This is an uphill battle against a culture that is obsessed with decontextualized value judgments. Our society has been conditioned to ascribe to a view of truth that is contradictory and unlivable. We need to help students understand what truth is and how it can be discovered.
There are 3 (incorrect) theories of “truth”:
1. Pragmatic Approach to Truth
The pragmatist believes that “truth is whatever works for you”. This approach simply asks: “Is it practical and does it work?”
Problem: This is totally subjective and makes the “subject” the one who determines whether something is true or not… for them.
2. Coherence Theory of Truth
The coherence theory states that “a belief is true just in case, or to the extent that, it coheres with a system of other beliefs”.
Problem: Consistency is a good test for truth, but fails as a standard of truth because you can have consistent beliefs that aren’t true. For example, Tolkein’s world of Middle Earth is coherent… but not real.
3. Correspondence View of Truth
This theory claims that something is true if is indeed corresponds to reality.
Problem: What if you have two worldviews that are coherent (internally) but are in contradiction to each other? What then? You have to ask, “Which of these best corresponds to reality?”
The Biblical Truth of Christianity
When Christianity is applied consistently it makes the most sense of the world around us. When Atheism is consistently applied it becomes less and less livable.
The culture we live in is overwhelmed by the tenets of postmodern theory that say that the truth of God’s existence is irrelevant and that whatever you believe is fine for you. But in reality, either God exists or He doesn’t. We need to be equipped to teach our students that not only does God’s existence matter, but it is the most important thing that we need to have settled. There is a fundamental conflict between the Christian worldview and the materialistic worldview and all of our other beliefs find their foundation in this. What we are talking about is a battle of worldviews.
The Christian Worldview provides explanatory power for the world we live in. It provides a basis for why we are here, why we have significance, why we feel like we have value and purpose, why we live with a sense of right and wrong, and a reason to live our lives productively.
In short, Scripture has answers for “Why?”
Want to go deeper? Listen to one of these sessions for student pastors:
Talking to Your Students About the Existence of God
How to Preach the Gospel in a Postmodern Age
How to Stay Faithful to the Gospel in 2024
Non-Christian friends, university professors, and the media giants of our world will do everything they can to dismantle your biblical worldview. Here’s what Jessica Hoover, a graduate of UNC Asheville, shared with Brody on a recent podcast episode said about staying faithful in a highly progressive university:
- Don’t be foolish, prideful, or headstrong.
- Cling to the body of Christ — especially your local church.
Want to go deeper?
- Proofs of the Resurrection – True Christian salvation and living requires faith, but we are not left without concrete proof.
- Truth in a Postmodern Age – How should we talk about truth—when the very idea of truth is under attack?
- How to Be Faithful to All Parts of the Bible – If you want to believe the Bible is God’s Word, that means we’ve got to believe every corner of it (even the hard parts).
- How to Fight Doubt – Doubt is not the opposite of belief, because it accompanies every true conviction. Here’s how to test our faith biblically and not be controlled by our doubt.
- Beware of Suspicion – There is a difference between truth and suspicion.
- A Conversation on Abortion & Pro-Life Apologetics – How can we as Christians effectively advocate for unborn babies while also caring about the souls and spiritual conditions of mothers?
How Can Your Teens Be Certain the Bible is True?
Where did the Bible come from, and why should we trust it?
Many of us have grown up in a Christian environment and see the Bible as one big book God gave us. While this is true, the miracle of the Bible is that it was written by more than 40 human authors from all walks of life, on three continents, and in three different languages. And, all of Scripture works together to tell the Gospel story.
When we’re talking about apologetics for teens, it is crucial that we prepare our students to correctly understand the various parts of Scripture. Teachers, friends, and social media influencers are bombarding them with bad interpretations of the Bible and apparent contradictions.
Want to go deeper? Here are some helpful sessions and resources:
- How Did We Get the Bible?
- The Power & Clarity of God’s Word
- Worldview Apologetics
- Why We Can Trust the Bible
- Bible Say What? Are There Contradictions in the Bible?
What are the Core Beliefs of Christianity?
The 5 Solas of the Reformation is a good place to start if you’re trying to boil down the essence of the Christian faith.
The five solas form the nucleus of the evangelical faith. They not only capture the Gospel of Jesus Christ and explain how that gospel takes root in the sinner, but they also define where the authority of that Gospel resides and to what end that Gospel is preached and proclaimed.
Source: The Gospel Coalition
1. Sola Scriptura – Only Scripture
The Bible is God’s innerrant and infallible Word. It is completely sufficient and is the final authority of truth for the Church.
2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21
2. Solus Christus – Christ Alone
Jesus Christ is the living Word, the Son of God, and is the second person of the trinitarian Godhead. He is truly Immanuel, “God With Us“, and he came to be our substitutionary atonement. Each of us are depraved and are sinners in need of a savior. Only in him is our salvation made possible.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16
John 1:1, John 1:14, Romans 3:10, Romans 3:21-26
3. Sola Fide – Faith Alone
Our salvation is enable only by faith in Jesus Christ as our substitutionary atonement. Christians do good works as obedient worship to the Lord, and out of our love for others. Good works do not earn salvation, because they are filthy rags on their own. Salvation is by faith alone.
2 Corinthians 5:21, Philippians 3:9, Galatians 2:15–3:14
4. Sola Gratia – Grace Alone
Salvation and faith are provided by God’s grace as a free gift. No man, woman, or child deserves the favor of God. Before knowing Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Bible says we are “enemies” of Christ.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
Ephesians 2:8–9
Ephesians 1:4, Romans 9:16, John 6, John 3, Acts 13:48-50, Ephesians 2:8-10, Philippians 1:29-30, 2 Peter 1:1
5. Soli Deo Gloria – Glory to God Alone
God alone deserves the glory for our miraculous salvation. The gracious gift of our salvation, and the very idea of his coming, put all of attention on our worthy King, Jesus.
Want to go deeper?
- Core Doctrines of Christianity – Listen to our director/pastor, Brody Holloway, outline these core doctrines during a staff training session.
- How to Form a Distinctively Christian Worldview – This is what your students (and every Christian) needs to know about developing a fully-formed biblical worldview.

How to Interact With Other Religions
Christ has called us to love our neighbors deeply, and sacrificially (Matthew 22:34-40). As Christians, we are children of the living God — our Heavenly Father has written our story and given us new life in Him. Loving others requires that share the Good News that Jesus Christ came to earth to pay their sin debt and reconcile them to Himself.
Jesus is the One who has given us the power and example to love others.
May we be so in love with Jesus that His joy and glory are constantly on our lips. May our hearts break for the lost and always be ready to invite them into the family of God by repentance and faith in Jesus.
- How to Share the Gospel With Muslims – Here are 8 simple things to remember as you’re loving Muslims with the Gospel.
- What do Muslims Believe About God & Salvation? – Islam, like Christianity, finds its roots in Abraham of the Old Testament and is also a monotheistic religion. But, that is where the similarities end.
- Boldness & Personal Evanglism – We must plan our day around interacting with people with the hope of sharing the Gospel. We won’t be able to have meaningful conversations unless we start them.
Best Apologetics Books for Teens
We’ve prepped this list of recommended books from our Snowbird teachers to help encourage the habit of learning! We also encourage you to read critically and evaluate every book through the lens of Scripture.
- The Case for Christ – Lee Strobel
- How to Be an Atheist – Mitch Stokes
- A Shot of Faith to the Head – Mitch Stokes
- Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes – Nancy Pearcy
- Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity – Nancy Pearcy
- Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God – by Bruce Ware
Click here to get our full list of the best 16 apologetics books for students.