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Spencer Davis

Apr 17,

Following Jesus Through Scripture

Spencer Davis: John 16, Luke 10 : March 4, 2018 We must spend consistent time with the Lord through reading Scripture; it is essential for our spiritual growth. It is …

Mar 23,

Glorifying God in Our Sexuality

Spencer Davis: Pure and Holy : 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 : Feb. 10, 2018 As believers, we know we are meant to glorify God in our sexuality. In 1 Corinthians 6 we can …

Mar 9,

Winter SWO: Seeing Jesus in the Flood

Spencer Davis : Winter SWO : Genesis 6 : Jan. 13, 2018 We commonly think of Noah’s Ark as a fun children’s story. In reality, this story is terrifying. God’s wrath on sin …

Mar 9,

Seeing Jesus in the Story of Jonah

Spencer Davis : Winter SWO : Jonah : Feb. 13, 2018 The story of Jonah gives us a picture of the Gospel as it reflects Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. In the …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone

Spencer Davis : Romans 8 : Fall Retreats : Sept. 9, 2017   Sola Gratia & Sola Fide. Grace Alone & Faith Alone. We are born dead in our sin. Trusting in …

Aug 14,

Teaching the Bible to Students (For Student Pastors)

Spencer Davis | Student Pastors | SWO17 Tuesday AM In this breakout, Spencer Davis provided practical instruction on how to teach the Bible to students. The way we personally study and …

Aug 12,

SWO17 Breakout: Why Don’t We Share the Gospel

We all know we should be sharing the Gospel, but so few of us regularly do share the Gospel. Why not? What is keeping us from sharing the only hope …

Aug 12,

SWO17 Breakout: Prayer & Bible Reading

We all hear of great Bible teachers spending hours each day praying and meditating on the Word, but when we look at our own time with the Lord it seems …

Aug 10,

Seeing Jesus in Exodus 17

Spencer Davis | Exodus 17:8-16 | SWO17 Friday AM   You don’t have to search hard to find Jesus in Exodus. All of Exodus (and the Old Testament) points to …

May 4,

Who is Jesus?

Spencer Davis | Luke 9 Who do you say Jesus is? This is the essential question to answer. We have to understand what it means to worship Jesus as the …

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