Social Media As A Purposed Resistance
Zach Mabry | Respond Women’s Retreat | Breakout Social media is a misrepresentation of the world we live in. It is teaching us what to think and how to think. …
5 Truths Held Up By The Resurrection Of Christ
Brody Holloway | Christian School Retreat Find your identity in Christ. He will set your life on the right trajectory. You’ll be good—no matter what happens. Determining who Christ is …
How To Fight Complacency With The Gospel
Christian School Retreat | Zach Mabry What is the Gospel? Sometimes we use Christian language without knowing what it means. Even in Christian environments, we need to be reminded of …
Be Strong: A Virtual Theater for Spiritual Warfare
Zach Mabry | Be Strong 2021 | Breakout Believers, we need to be on guard. This culture wants your heart and mind. The ways we believe and think are being …
The Fiery Furnace
Rob Conti Kingdoms and governments will come and go in this world but only God’s Kingdom will last forever. God is the one who sets up kingdoms, and He holds all authority …
NSR: Proclaim the Gospel Knowing that Only God Can Save
Sharing the Gospel can be scary and tough to do. But it’s our responsibility and joy to be faithful to share the hope we have. If we don’t actually trust …
Social Media as a Purposed Resistance
Pure And Holy 2021 | Zach Mabry | Breakout How are you spending your time? What are you influencing yourself with? Believers, we need to be on guard because we …
Tearing Down Strongholds (For College Students)
Zach Mabry | College Retreat 2021 | Friday Night Today, believers must constantly fight worldviews that oppose Christianity. We need to be on guard because there is a battle …
Fall Retreat: Don’t Forget The Gospel
Fall Retreat 2020 | Zach Mabry | Breakout It is easy for us to take the gospel for granted. The creator of the universe became the weakest thing in …
What God has Joined Together, Let Man Not Separate (Marriage)
Marriage Conference | Zach Mabry | Saturday Night What God has brought together, men cannot separate. Marriage is a unique relationship where a man and woman come together to be …