The Importance of Discipline in the Christian Life | Godly Manhood
Your devotion to something is expressed most clearly by your actions. If you’re in Christ, and you’ve been given the righteousness of Jesus, it’s up to you to live that …
Personal Bible Study | Godly Manhood
We need God’s word daily. If we’re going to stand through trials and lead our families well, we need to be in the Word. In this breakout, Hank walks through …
Beyond the Flannelgraph | Mountaintops And Valleys of Doubt
The day-to-day Christian life is not a mountaintop experience. Life is messy and circumstances can cause us to doubt God. When doubt attacks our faith we need to keep pressing …
Biblical Counseling and Youth Ministry
Every time we minister to students we face a variety of issues and we are giving counsel to them whether we think it’s counseling or not. Student ministry and biblical …
Christ Will Keep You | Youth Ministry
You will be under attack if you’re teaching or preaching the Word. Believers have always been facing the same enemies; the world, the flesh, and the devil. In this session, …
Discipline and Dominion
Men’s Conference | Zach Mabry | Breakout As men, we have been called to fight. We are to fight against sin, fight for our holiness, and fight for our families. …
Christian Excellence in an Age of Systemic Mediocrity
We are ambassadors of Christ. We must pursue the Lord despite culture and the lies it says about God. In this breakout, Jake Scwarting walks through how believers should strive …
Jesus is Coming, Be Ready
Jon Rouleau | Sunday Morning Jesus is coming and we need to be ready. While we’re waiting, we need to be diligent to pursue Christ and holiness. In 2 Peter …
We Need the Light of Christ
Rob Conti | Saturday Night The word of God gives us wisdom, direction, and hope to navigate through this life. Believers, we belong to Jesus. He will guide us and …
The Lord is Patient with Us
Spencer Davis | Saturday Morning Jesus is coming back. The prophets said He would and Jesus Himself spoke of His own return. When Scripture says something is going to happen …