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Matthew 5

May 1,

Tattoos, Bacon, Beer | Christianity and the Law

As New Testament believers, how do we apply the Law to our lives? Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not abolish it. The Law exposes our sinful desires and tendencies.  …

Jan 2,

Why Do I Need the Church, if I Already Have Jesus?

What’s the big deal about joining a local church? I can get the podcasts and music I want — when I want it. Can’t I have church in the woods, …

Jul 30,

Wisdom For Living

Spicy Ridenour | Respond Women’s Retreat | Breakout Wisdom comes from the Lord. God gives us fruits of the Spirit so that we can know Him better—and so his glory …

May 18,

A Conversation on Marriage with Brody and Little Holloway

Coming up on 26 years of marriage, Brody and Little Holloway have started to figure out a rhythm that is worth learning from. Don’t listen to your heart! Think, process, …

Dec 30,

When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll

Just before the Great Chicago Fire burned virtually all of Horatio Spafford’s business investments, he watched pneumonia take the life of his four-year-old son. As a result of both tragedies, …

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