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Mar 9,

Winter SWO: The Serpent Crusher

Brody Holloway : Winter SWO : Genesis 3, Romans 5 : Feb 16, 2018 The Gospel promise first comes in Genesis 3. Mankind was given a promise that defines the course of …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: For the Glory of God Alone

Brody Holloway : Psalm 96:3, Isaiah 48:11, Luke 2:14 : Fall Retreats : Sept. 24, 2017 Solio Deo Gloria. For the glory of God alone. We exist to worship God and give Him glory. …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone

Spencer Davis : Romans 8 : Fall Retreats : Sept. 9, 2017   Sola Gratia & Sola Fide. Grace Alone & Faith Alone. We are born dead in our sin. Trusting in …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: History of the Protestant Reformation

Zach Mabry : 2 Timothy 3:7-17 : Fall Retreats : Nov. 4, 2017 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The history of the Protestant Reformation is helpful …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: Scripture Alone

Brody Holloway : Fall Retreats : Oct. 14, 2017   Sola Scriptura. Scripture Alone. We were given the Bible, God’s Word, so that we could live out our Christian life with …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: Salvation is Through Christ Alone

Rob Conti : Hebrews 10:12-18, 2 Corinthians 5:21 : Fall Retreats : Oct. 1, 2017 Solus Christus. Christ Alone. The Roman Catholic Church undermined Scripture to serve themselves which gave people the …

Aug 25,

View People Like Christ, Not Like the World (For Student Pastors)

  Quintell Hill | James 2:1-3 | Iron on Iron | Saturday AM The Bible calls Christians to live through the eyes of faith, transformed by the Holy Spirit. As …

Aug 25,

How To Teach The Bible (The World’s Best Cup of Coffee)

Jeff Martin : 1 Timothy 1:6-14 : Iron on Iron : Saturday AM “Gospel” has become this generation’s buzzword in the Church, but we can never allow it to become …

Aug 25,

Iron on Iron: Command and Teach, Part 1

Brody Holloway : 1 Timothy 4:11-16 : Iron on Iron : Friday PM It is vital that we strive to sustain the integrity of biblical truth in the church. Truthful preaching …

Aug 13,

SWO17 Breakout: The Reformation

SWO17 In 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther began a movement that would affect the entire world. What was it all about? In light of the Protestant Reformation’s 500th …

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