Gender and Sexuality
Dying in a Pornographic Culture
Be Strong 2021 Fall There is nothing God-honoring in sexual sin. God created sex—the world did not. So we should not be living in a way that says the world …
What is Biblical Masculinity?
Rob Conti | SWO21 | Guys Breakout Our culture is trying to redefine what masculinity is. In this breakout, Rob looks at Scripture to see what it means to be …
Present Your Body As A Living Sacrifice
Brooke Collins (Mitchell) | SWO21 Summer Camp Breakout As women, the world tells us many things about our bodies and how they should be used. But Scripture tells us to …
Hard Questions in Youth Ministry: Panel Discussion
2017 Iron on Iron Conference Panel: Jeff Martin, Rob Conti, Steve Brooks, Quintell Hill Moderator: Spencer Davis Hebrews 6, 1 Corinthians 6, 2 Timothy 4, Ephesians 4, Colossians 1:28, 1 …
Your Call To Personal Holiness
Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Wednesday Morning Holiness is an attribute of God. He is light and in Him, there is no darkness. He is holy and calls you to …
Honoring The Lord In Your Relationships
Brody Holloway | SWO21 | Wednesday Night For the believer, everything we do is to be to the glory of God. This includes our relationships with one another. Everything that …
NSR: Progressive Christianity, Nationalism, and the Hope that Outlasts them Both
Christians are falling into the trap of finding their identity in politics. Our hope should not be in the government or society but in Christ alone. Our role of being …
Put the Flesh in Check: Live by the Spirit
Brody Holloway | Romans 8:12-17 | SWO20 Wednesday Night Christian, we’ve got to put the flesh in check. We are no longer slaves of the flesh! Rather, Christ calls us …
Guard Your Heart With God’s Word
Brody Holloway | Proverbs 4 | SWO20 Wednesday Morning Keep the Word of God in your heart. We need it to invade our consciousness and keep us from sin. James …
God’s Will For Your Life (Guys Session)
Rob Conti : Summer 2019 : Guy Session : Wednesday PM God’s holy calling on young men is to live in such a way that pleases their Heavenly Father. In …