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Sep 26,

Be Strong: The Fatherhood of God and Biblical Parenting

Brody Holloway : Be Strong : September 26, 2017 Train: We learn from secular psychology that there are three phases of parenting and investing in a person over the course …

Sep 26,

Be Strong: A Desire for Christ Leads to Obedience

Dallas Bozeman: Be Strong : September 26, 2017 God is in love with His people.  Babylon and Egypt are beginning to rise up and seek to conquer lands. They were …

Sep 26,

Be Strong: Gar Bozeman Testimony

Dallas “Gar” Bozeman : Be Strong : Saturday AM Dallas “Gar” Bozeman and his wife, Kimberly Bozeman, joined the full-time SWO staff in July of 2017. Dallas served 11 years …

Sep 26,

Be Strong: Manhood Under the Dominion of Christ

Genesis 1:28-31Brody Holloway Listen Introduction Creation Is Fallen I was sitting in the woods with my son Tuck after his deer kill earlier this week. We sat in silence and …

Aug 11,

SWO17 Guys Breakout: Preparing to Be a Godly Man

SWO17  Christians have been called to honor God in every area of our lives, including dating and relationships. So what does it mean to pursue relationships in a distinctively Christian …

Aug 10,

Guys Student Session (SWO17)

Brody Holloway | Guys Breakout | SWO17 Wednesday PM David was a man of God and a hard worker; he had favor with God. The mistake Saul made was comparing …

Aug 9,

Love Like Jesus (SWO17)

Brody Holloway | Ephesians 5 | SWO17 Wednesday AM Interpersonal relationships are broken when our relationship with God is broken, and the Ephesians were letting the world dictate their relationships. …

Mar 11,

Be Strong Spring: Victory in the Cross

  Brody Holloway : Be Strong : Ephesians 5:25-6:4 When we look at the cross we see our need for a savior. It reflects our sin, but also our means for …

Mar 9,

Be Strong Spring: Prophet, Priest, and King

  Brody Holloway : Be Strong : Genesis 1-3 Men aren’t doing what they are supposed to be doing. God has endowed us with rights and responsibilities that land on the …

Jan 6,

Be Strong: Bruce and the Bear

It’s easy to say God is sovereign or supreme or in control. And it’s easy to thank God for the good things in our lives. But what about when you …

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