6 Books Every Worship Leader Should Read (2023)
Zach Mabry and our SWO Band are passionate about focusing our music on Christ and His Gospel. Worship isn’t about us and what we are feeling. The goal of a …
SWO22 Music | Spotify Worship Playlist
Zach Mabry leads our SWO worship band and spends days working through potential songs every spring. This is our list for SWO22 Summer Camp and we couldn’t be more excited …
25 Advent Hymns That Hope In Jesus
We’re big fans of Christmas music—especially the hymns that ring with joy at Christ’s long-awaited coming. If you’re looking for Christmas songs about hope, then you need to start with …
When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll
Just before the Great Chicago Fire burned virtually all of Horatio Spafford’s business investments, he watched pneumonia take the life of his four-year-old son. As a result of both tragedies, …
Jesus is King. Amen and Amen!
Jesus is King, and we should let the whole world know. But how do we respond when the person saying it is Kanye West? We’re talking about the guy who …
Corporate Worship: How To Lead Others Faithfully
Zach Mabry : Workshop : Summer 2019 Worship is more than just singing but it often involves singing. This workshop was taught for those who are interested in learning more …
Worship in Youth Ministry
Zach Mabry | Breakout | Iron on Iron 2013 Zach Mabry teaches a short breakout at the Iron on Iron Student Ministry Conference. He expounds both on the theology …
History of Biblical Worship
Zach Mabry | Breakout Zach Mabry presents a breakout detailing the history of biblical worship, and shares how we are directed to offer praise to the Lord today.