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Spiritual Growth

Mar 9,

Seeing Jesus in the Story of Jonah

Spencer Davis : Winter SWO : Jonah : Feb. 13, 2018 The story of Jonah gives us a picture of the Gospel as it reflects Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. In the …

Mar 9,

Winter SWO: The Rock was Christ

Rob Conti : Winter SWO : Exodus 17, 1 Cor. 10 : Jan. 14, 2018 Jesus is the rock, and He alone is the source of life that can quench our …

Mar 9,

The Road to Emmaus

Zach Mabry : Winter SWO : Luke 24:13-27, Genesis 3 : Jan. 13, 2018 Mankind has a sin problem that has been passed down from Adam to every person who has …

Feb 2,


“Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my Gospel and the proclamation about Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept silent for long …

Jan 25,

Let Doubt Drive You to Christ

“Oh the depth of the riches, the wisdom, and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! ‘For who has known the mind of the Lord, …

Nov 23,

Mark 10: The Rich Young Ruler

Mark 10:17-31 The Rich Young Ruler Big points: Money can’t get you into heaven. Good works can’t get you into heaven. Salvation is impossible unless God saves us. We ALL …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: For the Glory of God Alone

Brody Holloway : Psalm 96:3, Isaiah 48:11, Luke 2:14 : Fall Retreats : Sept. 24, 2017 Solio Deo Gloria. For the glory of God alone. We exist to worship God and give Him glory. …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone

Spencer Davis : Romans 8 : Fall Retreats : Sept. 9, 2017   Sola Gratia & Sola Fide. Grace Alone & Faith Alone. We are born dead in our sin. Trusting in …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: Scripture Alone

Brody Holloway : Fall Retreats : Oct. 14, 2017   Sola Scriptura. Scripture Alone. We were given the Bible, God’s Word, so that we could live out our Christian life with …

Nov 14,

Fall Retreats: Salvation is Through Christ Alone

Rob Conti : Hebrews 10:12-18, 2 Corinthians 5:21 : Fall Retreats : Oct. 1, 2017 Solus Christus. Christ Alone. The Roman Catholic Church undermined Scripture to serve themselves which gave people the …

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