Summer Camp
Why Don’t We Share the Gospel?
We all know we should be sharing the Gospel, but so few of us regularly do share the Gospel. Why not? What is keeping us from sharing the only hope …
Prayer and Bible Reading
We all hear of great Bible teachers spending hours each day praying and meditating on the Word, but when we look at our own time with the Lord it seems …
Girls Breakout Q and A (SWO17)
Brody Holloway | Girls Breakout | SWO17 Wednesday AM As the father of teenage daughters, Brody knows the difficulties of walking as a woman of the Word in a culture …
Preparing to Be a Godly Man
SWO17 Christians have been called to honor God in every area of our lives, including dating and relationships. So what does it mean to pursue relationships in a distinctively Christian …
The Kingdom of Jesus
Brody Holloway | Hebrews 1 & Hebrews 2 | SWO17 Friday PM Perfect creation was tarnished by the original sin, and now sin permeates the earth. The Gospel is …
Go and Tell (SWO17 Session)
Brody Holloway | Matthew 28 | SWO17 Saturday AM Paul was not concerned with his well-being, he was constantly concerned with his only purpose in life: The Gospel. He reminded …
Seeing Jesus in Exodus 17
Spencer Davis | Exodus 17:8-16 | SWO17 Friday AM You don’t have to search hard to find Jesus in Exodus. All of Exodus (and the Old Testament) points to …
Faithful Witnesses
Rob Conti | Hebrews 10:34-39 | Thursday PM We are called to be faithful to The Gospel no matter the circumstances. This life is so much more than just ourselves, so …
Jesus, Our Great High Priest (SWO17)
Rob Conti | SWO17 Thursday AM God has standards for faithfulness in the church. Instead of finding worth in earthly things, we need to find worth and sufficiency in the …
Girls Session (SWO17)
Little Holloway & Brooke Davis | Girls Night | SWO17 Wednesday PM The pursuit of holiness is important in both marriage and singleness. Brooke Davis shares some of her testimony …