Summer Camp
Guys Student Session (SWO17)
Brody Holloway | Guys Breakout | SWO17 Wednesday PM David was a man of God and a hard worker; he had favor with God. The mistake Saul made was comparing …
Love Like Jesus (SWO17)
Brody Holloway | Ephesians 5 | SWO17 Wednesday AM Interpersonal relationships are broken when our relationship with God is broken, and the Ephesians were letting the world dictate their relationships. …
The Sufficiency of Scripture
Brody Holloway | SWO17 Tuesday PM For Tuesday evening’s session, we look at the sufficiency of Scripture. All Scripture comes from God, and the Word of God is literally the …
Jesus: Our Prophet, Priest and King
Brody Holloway | Hebrews 1 | SWO17 Tuesday AM The Cross is at the center of understanding who Jesus is. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. …
Jesus: The Final and Greater Prophet
Brody Holloway | Genesis 15 | SWO17 Monday PM Christ is the heir of all because of the sacrifice He made on the cross. The Abrahamic Covenant is proof …
I Have Jesus, Why Do I Need the Church?
Spencer Davis | SWO16 | Summer Camp The body of Christ is a gift from the Lord and is vital for our sanctification, growth, and intentional ministry to nonbelievers. Some …
Your Call To Evangelism (Student Session)
Rob Conti | SWO16 Friday AM If we are followers of Christ, if His name is branded on our hearts, then we should rightly handle the weight of the command …
The Flaw Of Self-Imposed Identity
Spencer Davis | SWO16 Thursday AM We live in a world where preferences, feelings, and emotions determine identity. When that stereotype or self-imposed identity crumbles, we are left asking “who …
Be Imitators of Christ (SWO16)
Brody Holloway | Ephesians 5:1-21 | SWO16 Wednesday AM As believers, we should be seeking to imitate the Lord in both what He loves and hates. This should play into …
SWO16 Session: Identity through Christ Alone
Brody Holloway | Mark 8:22-26 | SWO16 Monday PM Salvation cannot be earned. It is not inherited from our parents or grandparents, but comes from God alone through Christ. When we …